Digitalni dnevnici prepuni su priča o prednosti fakultativnog obilaska dobro poznatih ulica na neki nov način, koji naročito u ovo doba godine može biti inspirativan
Digital diaries are packed with stories espousing the benefits of an elective tour of well-known streets in some new way, which can be particularly inspiring at this time of year
O rinflajšu, starom staklu i gradskom duhu On rindfleisch, old glass and the city spirit
Nikola Milović , Hotelijer i marketing menadžer
Nikola Milović, Hotelier and marketing manager
Omiljeni deo grada je upravo onaj to- liko blizu prvog plana, centralne pe- šačke zone, a toliko autentično dru- gačiji, da je izgubiti se u njemu prava mala riznica. Topličin venac, sa kroa- sanom iz „Mandarine“ u ruci, sa ka- fom iz „Kofeina“, dolazim do funda- mentalnog modnog izraza i kutka iz pera Dragane Ognjenović. Svraćamo na blic u Muzej primenjene umetno- sti, gde je upravo u toku šetnja kroz vreme kroz staklo iz „mid century ere“ i odmah stavljam na listu da potra- žimo staro staklo iz ormara i vratim mu se, jer se tradicija ne može kupiti. Put me vodi ka Kosančićevom vencu, mirno je, duh artisan scene i neka do- bra energija starih vremena prožima zimski vazduh. Kada je vreme za do- bru gastronomsku pauzu, rinflajš u „Bistro Malom pijacu“ prava je doza beogradskog duha koji mi je potre- ban. Tramvaj dvojka me baci do Sla- vije, odakle odvajam vreme za šetnju kroz Vračar, gde, umesto uobičajeno užurbano, sve ulice prolazim kao ti- pičan turista, podižući pogled i diveći se monumentalnim građevinama na koje nekako uvek zaboravimo. Idem Krunskom, baš volim tu ulicu, neka- ko je prava i prva, možda bi mogla bi- ti i glavna jer generiše dobar duh gra- da. Kalenić je već zatvorio tezge, ali se može naći pokoji cvet u cvećari, još se na brzinu može kupiti kesten ili fla- ša vina za privatnu večernju gozbu. Ukoliko apetit za noćnim menijem metropole nije iščilio, tu su barovi u Beogradu, nepresušne mogućno- sti kreiranja te dobre koktel atmos- fere u intimnom kutku, sa barmenom preko puta, jer svakome treba neko da nas sluša.
My favourite part of the city is pre- cisely the one that’s so close to cen- tre-stage, the central pedestrian zone, and it’s so authentically different that to get lost there is to find a real mini treasure trove. Topličnin venac, with a croissant from Mandarina [cake shop] in hand, and a coffee from Koffein, I arrive at the fundamental expression of fash- ion and nook from the quill of Dragana Ognjenović. We stop briefly at the Mu- seum of Applied Art, where there’s cur- rently a stroll through time exhibition via the medium of glass from the mid-19 th to mid-20 th century, and I immediately add to my list a reminder to look for old glass from the cabinet and return to it, because tradition can’t be bought. The road leads me to Kosančićev venac. It’s tranquil, the spirit of the artisan scene and some positive energy of bygone times permeate the winter air. When the time comes for a good gastronomic break, the rindfleisch [Austrian-style beef] at Bis- tro Mali Pijac provides the proper dose of Belgrade spirit that I need. The Number Two tram “flings” me to Slavija Sq., from where I set aside time to stroll through Vračar. And instead of my usual hurried march, I amble through all the streets like a typical tourist, raising my eyes and ad- miring the monumental buildings that we somehow always overlook. I’m walk- ing along Krunska Street. I really love that street; it’s somehow genuine and the first, perhaps it could be the main one just because it generates the city’s good spirit. Kalenić Market has already closed its stalls, but you’ll find the odd flower at the florists, and you can still quickly pick up roasted chestnuts or a bottle of wine for a private evening feast. If your appetite for the metropolis’s noc- turnal menu hasn’t been satisfied, there are bars in Belgrade, endless possibilities to create that good cocktail atmosphere in an intimate corner, with a bartender standing opposite, because we all need someone to listen to us.
Ukoliko apetit za noćnim menijem metropole nije iščilio, tu su beskrajne mogućnosti u barovima Beograda If your appetite for the metropolis’s nocturnal menu hasn’t been satisfied, there are endless possibilities of bars in Belgrade
Belgrade » Beograd | 71
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