Od Zemunske pijace do šik knjižare From Zemun market to chic bookshops Jasmina Šupeljak , Influenserka i spisateljica Jasmina Šupeljak, influencer and writer
Zemun je moj „hood“ – tu sam odra- sla i, uprkos tome što sam se u me- đuvremenu preselila u drugi deo gra- da, svaki put kad prođem njegovom nostalgičnom kalrdrmom, obuzme me osećaj da, kako kaže nepotpisa- na moderna mudrost, što se stvari više menjaju, one ostaju iste. No, ako bih baš morala da biram po- laznu tačku sa koje ću početi svoje turističko iskustvo u gradu koji znam kao svoj džep, izabrala bih baš to me- sto koje me je izgradilo u opasnu curu kakva sam danas. Dakle, na početku ovog izmaštanog obilaska Beograda vidim sebe kako kupujem cveće i ro- lovani sremački sir na Zemunskoj pi- jaci. Tamo je i „Pretop“, mesto gde se sreću pečenje i mehurići šampanjca onako kako samo to ova geografska tačka može. Po lepom danu predloži- la bih da nakon ovog „grešnog bran- ča“ pređete Brankov most peške, ne samo da se sagore kalorije već i za- to što je taj pogled kad se dolazi sa novobeogradske strane nezamenljiv. Obavezna stanica je butik Marije Tarlać. Epicentar urbane elegancije probranih sezonskih komada takođe je i odlično mesto da pronađete ne- ki fenomenalno dizajniran detalj za kuću ili nešto od garderobe za klince. Odmah iza ćoška je knjižara „Boo- ka“, mesto gde rame uz rame na po- licama od poda do plafona stoje na- slovi najaktuelnijih svetskih autora, kao i literarni heroji iz zemlje i regi- ona. Retku mešavinu kafe nabavljam u „Kofeinu“ preko puta, pa sa tim (i naramkom knjiga) odlazim na novu adresu kultnog „Cveća zla“ u Hotelu „Indigo“, čija je ekipa (re)definisala pojmove ugostiteljstva kod nas. Sa jelovnika biram tartar biftek i omi- ljenu malvaziju, okuplja se ekipa, ko- mentarišu se autfiti i dok pogledam na sat, već je kasno. Taksi je naravno nemoguće naći, ali robusne „Botte- ge“ su napravljene za velike korake kroz neonom osvetljene ulice.
Zemun is my “hood” – that’s where I grew up, and despite the fact that I’ve moved to a different part of the city in the meantime, every time I traverse its nostalgic cobbled streets, I’m overcome by the feeling that, as the anonymous piece of modern wisdom goes, “the mo- re things change, the more they stay the same”. Still, if I simply had to pick a star- ting point for my tourist experience in a city that I know like my own backyard, I would choose precisely the place that made me the dangerous temptress I am today. So, at the start of this imagined tour of Belgrade, I see myself buying flowers and rolled Sremac cheese at Ze- mun Market. Also located there is Pre- top [restaurant], a place where roasted meats and champagne bubbles come to- gether as they only could in this geo- graphical point. On a nice day, I would suggest following this “sinful brunch” by walking across Branko’s Bridge, not just to burn calories, but also because that view when heading from the New Belgrade side is inimitable. A “must” stop is the boutique Ma- rija Tarlać. The epicentre of urban ele- gance, with select seasonal pieces, it’s also an excellent place to discover some fantastically designed details for the ho- me or something for a kids’ wardrobe. Right around the corner is the books- hop Booka, a place where titles of the world’s most popular contemporary au- thors and literary heroes of our coun- try and the region are stacked side by side, on shelves that extend from floor to ceiling. I buy a rare coffee blend acro- ss the street at Koffein, and with that (and an armful of books) I head to the new address of the iconic Cveća Zla [wi- ne bar] at Hotel Indigo. From the menu I choose steak tartare and my favourite Malvasia, the team gathers, comments on outfits are made, and it’s already la- te by the time I check the clock. It’s im- possible to find a taxi, of course, but my sturdy Bottega boots were made for wal- king, in big strides, over neon-lit streets.
Zemun je moj „hood“ – tu sam odrasla i, uprkos tome što sam se preselila u drugi deo grada, uvek mu se vraćam sa nostalgijom Zemun is my “hood” – that’s where I grew up, and despite the fact that I’ve moved to a different part of the city, I always return to it with a sense of nostalgia
Belgrade » Beograd | 73
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