Hanja: Mesto nezaboravnih avantura CHANIA: PLACE OF UNFORGETTABLE ADVENTURES
Od svog fascinantnog Starog grada do egzotične pla- že Balos i čuvene Samarijske klisure, Hanja ce vas po- častiti nizom nezaboravnih avantura (uz malo domace rakije). Čini se da je grad uvek bio jedna od najpopu- larnijih destinacija u Grčkoj. Rimljani, Vizantinci, Mleča- ni, Osmanlije... svi su se naselili ovde u nekom trenutku, stvarajuci multikulturalni deo Krita u kojem danas mo- žemo da uživamo. Iza grada naci cete poznate plaže Aja Marina, Stalos i Platanijas. Idite još malo dalje i stici cete do egzotičnih Balosa i Falasarne, dve pinap plaže u Grč- koj. U južnoj Hanji svetski poznata klisura Samarija zo- ve vas da je istražite. Toliko toga da se uradi, tako malo vremena za to! From its fascinating Old Town to the exotic Balos Beach and the famous Samaria Gorge, Chania will treat you to an array of unforgettable adventures (and a little home- brewed raki). It seems this city was always one of the most popular destinations in Greece. Romans, Byzan- tines, Venetians, Ottomans… all came through Cha- nia and settled here at one time or another, creating the multicultural corner of Crete that we can enjoy today. And beyond the town you’ll find the famous beaches of Agia Marina, Stalos and Platanias. Go a little further still and you’ll reach the exotic Balos and Falasarna, two of Greece’s pin-up beaches. And in southern Chania, the world-famous Samaria Gorge invites you to explore it. So much to do, so little time to do it!
Do Hanje ce Er Srbija početi da leti 4. juna, i to ponedeljkom, četvrtkom i nedeljom Air Serbia will launch flights to Chania as of 4 th June, every Monday, Thursday and Sunday
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Iraklion: Primorski grad pun života i istorije HERAKLION: SEASIDE CITY FILLED WITH LIFE AND HISTORY
Od 28. aprila Er Srbija do Irakliona počinje da leti ponedeljkom, sredom, petkom i nedeljom From 28 th April, Air Serbia will start flying to Heraklion on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays
Iraklion ispunjava svoj status glavnog grada Krita nudeci obi- lje zabave, arheološko blago, divnu hranu i širok izbor plaža. Živahan grad sa trgovima i pe- šačkim stazama ispunjen je mla- dalačkom energijom, restora- nima i barovima, ali veliki deo njegovog šarma i dalje je kon- centrisan oko Starog grada i ro- mantične venecijanske luke. Ira- klion ima odlične muzeje i jedan od najvecih akvarijuma u Evropi. Za ljubitelje istorije, bez sumnje, najfascinantnije drevno blago regiona leži odmah iza granica grada. Palata Knosos nije bila sa- mo najvažniji centar Minojske ci- vilizacije vec je bila dom legen- darnog Minotaura i njegovog lavirinta. Zvuči zanimljivo?
Heraklion lives up to its status as the capital of Crete, offering a wealth of holiday fun, archaeological treasures, wonderful Cretan food and a wide selection of beaches. The vibrant city, with its squares and pedestrian walk- ways, is filled with youthful energy, restaurants and bars, but so much of its charm is still concentrated around the Old Town and its romantic Vene- tian harbour. Heraklion has excel- lent museums and one of the largest aquariums in Europe. And for histo- ry buffs, undoubtedly the most fas- cinating ancient treasure of the re- gion lies just beyond the city limits. The Palace of Knossos wasn’t just the most important centre of Minoan civ- ilisation, but also home to the legend- ary Minotaur and its labyrinth. Sound interesting?
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