Na letu On board
Zašto volite avione?
Why do you like planes?
Osećam se kao ptica na nebu I feel like a bird in the sky
– Što se aviona tiče, najviše volim uzletanje, sletanje i ono između. (smeh) Ja- sno vam je da prosto obožavam letenje i sve u vezi sa letenjem. Sanjam o tome da jednog dana i sam budem pilot. Kad letim, ose- ćam mešavinu adrenalina i slobo- de. Osećam se kao ptica na nebu. Volim, naravno, i da sedim po- red prozora i posmatram mesta sa kojih uzlećem i ona u koja sle- ćem. Naročito Bokokotorski za- liv i Njujork. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion ne idem bez kruž- nog jastuka za vrat i slušalica, od- nosno nekog gedžeta za slušanje muzike. Jasno je da bez muzike nikuda ne idem, nikad! Ko je Filip Filip Bulatović, umetničkog ime- na Mapo Keys, srpski je džez mu- zičar – pijanista, kompozitor, pop/ fank kantautor i producent. Rođen je 1987. u Beogradu, gde nastu- pa od svoje 16. godine, još kao uče- nik Srednje muzičke škole „Stan- ković“. Muzičku akademiju upisuje u Kelnu, gde uči od najvećih imena džeza, da bi već započetu karijeru nastavio paralelno i u Srbiji i u Ne- mačkoj, nastupajući sa brojnim ve- likanima. Sa svega 19 godina formi- ra svoj džez trio i snima prvi album, da bi se uskoro oprobao i u pop/ fank muzici. Godine 2019. obje- dinjuje ceo svoj popularni autor- ski opus pod umetničkim imenom MAPO Keys – Multiple Artistic Per- sonality Order i formira devetočla- ni bend sa kojim nastupa u prestiž- nom njujorškom klubu „Nublu“. U maju 2021. postaje član „Big ben- da“ RTS-a, prvobitno kao pijanista, a potom i kao dirigent.
“When it comes to planes, I most like take- offs , landings, and the bit in be- tween [laughs]. It’s clear to you that I simply adore flying and everything to do with flying. I dream of one day being a pilot myself. When I fly, I feel a mixture of adrenaline and freedom. I feel like a bird in the sky. Of course, I also like to sit by the window and view the places I’m taking-off from and those where I land. That’s especially so with the Bay of Kotor and New York.” What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t enter a plane without a circular pillow for my neck and head- phones, or some device for listen- ing to music. I clearly don’t go an- ywhere without music, ever! who is Filip Filip Bulatović, better known by his stage name Mapo Keys, is a Serbian jazz musi- cian – pianist, composer, pop/funk sing- er-songwriter and producer. Born in Bel- grade in 1987, he has been performing in the city since he was 16, and still a pupil of the Stanković Musical School. He en- rolled at the Music Academy of Cologne, where he studied under the greatest names of jazz, only to continue the ca- reer path he’d already embarked up- on in both Serbia and Germany in paral- lel, performing together with numerous greats. It was at the tender age of 19 that he formed his first jazz trio and record- ed his first album, and soon afterwards also tried his hand at pop/funk music. It was in 2019 that he unified his complete popular auteur oeuvre under the stage name MAPO Keys and formed a nine- piece band with which he performs at New York’s prestigious Nublu Club. He became a member of the RTS Big Band in May 2021, initially as a pianist, and subsequently also as a conductor.
Filip Bulatović muzičar / musician
Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Marija Aničić, Đorđe Kojadinović
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
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