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U sastavu Muzeja Jugoslavije danas se nalaze objekti Muzej „25. maj“, Kuća cveća, Stari muzej, Park skulptura, muzejski kafe i suvenirnica K25 / The composition of the Museum of Yugoslavia today includes the facilities of 25 th May Museum, the House of Flowers, the Old Museum and Sculpture Park, as well as a museum cafe and the K25 souvenir shop

with renowned artists.

The House of Flowers was bu- ilt in 1975, based on the design of Stjepan Kralj. This building compri- ses three parts: a winter garden in the central section and two exhibi- tion spaces, while a terrace provi- ding views over Belgrade is located opposite the entrance. It was ac- cording to Tito’s own wishes that his mortal remains were interred he- re on 8 th May, 1980, and the House of Flowers has been open to visitors since 1982. The Old Museum, built in 1965 and designed by architect Bran- ko Bon, is one of the three units of the museum complex. It is speci- fic in that its look is reminiscent of a storage depot, which was actu- ally its primary function. The space is currently presenting the exhibiti- on Museum Laboratory, which re- flects work on the permanent exhi- bition of the Museum of Yugoslavia. Starting from the museum collecti- on, as the chief source for researc- hing social phenomena and histori- cal junctures that are important to developing an understanding of the experience of life in Yugoslavia, this exhibition re-examines Yugoslav he- ritage and the institution of the Mu- seum itself. The permanent exhibition chan- ges continuously and is upgraded through interventions by the cu- rators of the Museum of Yugosla- via, who invite relevant experts, ar- tists and other collaborators, and who work jointly to consider and ex- change ideas on Yugoslav herita- ge. The Sculpture Park contains 20 sculptures that are works of promi- nent Yugoslav artists. These styli- stic and thematic sculptures are extremely varied, ranging from lyri- cal works that reflect realism and in- timacy, to classic sculptures of so- cialist realism. Visitors opting to tour the mu- seum complex are awaited by a unique visual experience that wi- ll encourage them to view this cha- racteristic period of history in a new way, as well as allowing them to summarise their impressions in the garden of the museum café.

je. Polazeći od muzejskog fonda kao glavnog izvora za istraživanje druš- tvenih pojava i istorijskih trenutaka važnih za razumevanje iskustva živo- ta u Jugoslaviji, ova izložba preispitu- je jugoslovensko nasleđe i samu in- stituciju Muzeja. Stalna postavka se kontinuirano menja i nadograđuje intervencijama kustosa i kustoskinja Muzeja Jugo- slavije, koji pozivaju relevantne struč- njake, umetnike i druge saradnike i kroz zajednički rad promišljaju i raz- menjuju ideje o jugoslovenskom na- sleđu. U Parku skulptura nalazi se 20 skulptura istaknutih jugoslovenskih umetnika i umetnica. Stilski i temat- ski, skulpture su veoma heterogene, od lirskih dela u maniru realizma i inti- mizma do klasičnih skulptura socijali- stičkog realizma. Posetioce koji se odluče da obi- đu muzejski kompleks očekuje jedin- stven vizuelni doživljaj, iskustvo ko- je će ih podstaći da sagledaju jedan karakterističan istorijski period na nov način, kao i sumiranje utisaka u vrtu muzejskog kafea.

nici poput Boška Karanovića, autora mozaika na pročelju fasade, Raula Goldonija, autora zidne slike u unu- trašnjosti, Emila Vićića i Vladete Pe- trića. Tokom godina postojanja, u ovom objektu organizovane su mno- gobrojne izložbe, kao i susreti sa re- nomiranim umetnicima. Kuća cveća sagrađena je 1975. godine po projektu Stjepana Kra- lja. Ovaj objekat sastoji se od tri de- la: zimske bašte u cenralnom de- lu i dva izložbena prostora, dok se na suprotnoj strani od ulaza nalazi tera- sa sa pogledom na Beograd. Tito je po sopstvenoj želji ovde sahranjen 8. maja 1980. godine, a Kuća cveća je od 1982. otvorena za posetioce. Stari muzej izgrađen je 1965. godine, projektovao ga je arhitek- ta Branko Bon i jedna je od tri celine muzejskog kompleksa. Specifičan je po tome što izgledom podseća na „depo“ za predmete, što je i bila nje- gova primarna funkcija. U prosto- ru se trenutno nalazi izložba „Muzej- ska laboratorija“, koja reflektuje rad na stalnoj postavci Muzeja Jugoslavi-


Sećanje na zemlju koje više nema U mirnom, rezidencijalnom delu Beograda nalazi se jedan od najposećenijih muzeja u regionu, koji godišnje privlači na desetine hiljada turista

of his 70 th birthday. The building ho- using the museum, which was de- signed in 1961 by famous Belgrade architect Mihailo Mika Janković, re- presents a gem of modernist archi- tecture. A rare example of total de- sign in Belgrade, the core activity of this purpose-built museum has ne- ver changed. Work on decorating the exteri- or façade, parts of the interior and the museum’s exhibits was entru- sted to various artists, such as Boš- ko Karanović, author of the mosaic on the front façade, Raoul Goldoni, author of the interior wall painting, Emil Vićić and Vladeta Petrić. Over the course of the many years of its existence, this building has hosted numerous exhibitions and meetings


Remembering a country that is no more

A tranquil Belgrade residential area is home to one of the region’s most popular museums, which attracts tens of thousands of tourists each year

Muzej „25. maj“ otvoren je 25. maja 1962. godine kao poklon Gra- da Beograda predsedniku Republi- ke, maršalu Josipu Brozu Titu, za nje- gov 70. rođendan. Zgradu je 1961. godine projektovao čuveni beograd- ski arhitekta Mihailo Mika Janković i predstavlja biser modernističke arhi- tekture. Redak je primer total dizajna i namenski zidanog muzeja koji nika- da nije menjao osnovnu namenu. Na uređenju spoljašnje fasa- de, delova enterijera i na muzej- skoj postavci radili su različiti umet-

The museum 25 th May first opened its doors on 25 th May, 1962 , representing a birthday gift from the City of Belgrade to the then President of the Republic, Mar- shal Josip Broz Tito, on the occasion

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