ljubav / love
P ostavljen u bajkovi- tu gradsku pozadinu, karneval je najveci godišnji festival ko- ji se održava u Italiji. Od venecijanskih maski do ma- skenbala – to je jedinstveno isku- stvo, a proslava traje 12 veličan- stvenih dana! Sve je počelo 1162. godine, ka- da su građani slavili pobedu nad patrijaršijom Akvileja. U čast po- bede narod je počeo da igra na Tr- gu Svetog Marka, da bi u 15. veku Venecija i ozvaničila proslavljanje karnevala. Danas je moderna in- karnacija karnevala jednostavno postala mala reinvencija prvobitne zabave. Najromantičniji i najopoj- niji grad oživljava masom maski- ranih posetilaca, a turisti i lokalno stanovništvo ispunjavaju uske uli- ce u zaraznom veselju. Dve nedelje atmosfera se zagreva glamuroznim kostimiranim balovima, kreativ- nim takmičenjima, regatama, pa- radama i dekadentnim gozbama. Datum kada karneval poči- nje varira svake godine, a ove će se održati od 4. do 21. februara. I kao da veselja već nije dovoljno, usred karnevala – Dan zaljublje- nih! Zamislite da stojite na Mostu uzdaha 14. februara i ljubite svo- ju srodnu dušu… Šta još čekate? Er Srbija ima direktan, brz i udo- ban let do Venecije, čak i ako ni- ste baš romantična osoba, to cete postati kada udahnete venecijan- ski vazduh. Evo naše liste nekih le- pih stvari za parove u Veneciji… Vozite se gondolom Koja je prva stvar koja nam pa- da na pamet kada pomislimo na Veneciju? Uvek popularna i uvek
S et against the city’s fairy- tale backdrop, the Carni- val of Venice is the biggest annual festival held in It- aly. From Venetian masks to masquerade balls – it is a unique experience of celebrations that last for twelve magnificent days! It all began back in 1162, when the townspeople celebrated victory over the Patriarch of Aquileia. In hon- our of that victory, the people started to dance in St. Mark’s Square. Then, in the 15 th century, the city of Ven- ice made the celebrating of the carni- val official. The modern incarnation of the Carnival of Venice is simply a slight re-invention of what the orig- inal party was like. The most roman- tic and intoxicating city comes alive with a mass of masked festivalgoers. Both tourists and locals alike fill the narrow streets in a contagious dis- play of merrymaking. The atmos- phere heats up for two weeks, with glamorous costume balls, creative contests, regattas, parades and dec- adent feasts. The exact dates of the Venice Carnival vary each year. It will take place this year from 4 th to 21 st Feb- ruary. And as if that weren’t enough, there’s also Valentine’s Day! Imagine standing on the Bridge of Sighs on 14 th February kissing your soul mate? What are you waiting for? Air Ser- bia has a direct, fast and comforta-
ble flight to Venice. And don’t worry if you’re not a very romantic person: you will be once you breathe in the Venice air. Here is our list of some of the most romantic things for cou- ples to do in Venice… Gondola Ride What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Venice? The ever popular and ever roman- tic Gondola Ride. We recommend a long walk around the city of Venice, to check out the interesting spots and tire yourself out. Once you sim- ply can’t walk another step, hop on- to one of the classic gondolas and enjoy a 30-minute ride through its large and small canals. Don’t miss the churches along the banks. Kiss on the Bridge of Sighs The Bridge of Sighs is one of the most famous and beautiful sights in Venice. Prisoners were once led to their cells via this bridge. They would sigh as they took in their last glimps- es of Venice through the windows. And that’s how this bridge got its name, though it has since become one of the city’s most romantic spots. Visit an island near Venice If you want to do something ro- mantic, visit a couple of the islands in the Venice lagoon. Try out the is- lands of Murano, Torcello or Burano. Murano is the nearest and most fa- mous island. It can be fun if you have never seen glass being blown before. Burano is a little further away and less crowded. It is full of colourful houses and lace-making boutiques. Head a bit further away to Torcello, as it provides the perfect place for a romantic stroll thanks to most of the land being classed as a nature reserve. Dance on St. Mark’s Square Dancing together is perhaps the best way to express love, so you can enhance your love by dancing with your Valentine on St. Mark’s Square as evening approaches. Can you think of any better way to end Valentine’s Day?
Er Srbija ima direktan, brz i udoban let do Venecije, koji traje samo 115 minuta Air Serbia has a direct, fast and comfortable flight to Venice which lasts only 115 minutes
romantična vožnja gondolom, zar ne? Preporučujemo vam da proše- tate gradom da biste uživali i umo- rili se. Kada više ne budete mogli da hodate, uskočite u jednu od kla- sičnih gondola i uživajte u 30-mi- nutnoj vožnji kroz velike i male kanale. Ne propustite da uživate u crkvama na obalama. Poljubite se na Mostu uzdaha Most uzdaha je jedna od naj- poznatijih i najlepših znamenito- sti Venecije. Ranije su preko ovog mosta zatvorenici odvođeni u celi- je, pa bi uzdahnuli dok kroz prozo-
re gledaju poslednje prizore Vene- cije. I tako je ovaj most dobio ime. Ali sada je postao jedan od najro- mantičnijih mesta u gradu. Posetite obližnja ostrva Ako želite da učinite nešto ro- mantično, posetite nekoliko ostrva u venecijanskoj laguni – Murano, Torčelo ili Burano. Murano je naj- bliže i najpoznatije ostrvo. Može biti zabavno ako nikada ranije ni- ste videli kako se duva staklo. Bu- rano je malo dalje i manja je gužva. Pun je raznobojnih kuca i butika za izradu čipke. Krenite i malo dalje do Torčela jer je to savršeno me- sto za romantičnu šetnju – uglav- nom predstavlja rezervat prirode. Plešite na Trgu Svetog Marka Zajednički ples je možda naj- bolji način da izrazite ljubav, pa za- što ne biste zaplesali sa svojim Va- lentinom na Markovom trgu dok se bliži noc? Znate li neki bolji na- čin da završite Dan zaljubljenih?
Most uzdaha je jedna od najpoznatijih i najlepših znamenitosti Venecije The Bridge of Sighs is one of the most famous and beautiful sights in Venice
Posetite romantična ostrva u venecijanskoj laguni – Murano, Torčelo ili Burano Visit romantic islands in the Venice lagoon - Murano, Torcello or Burano
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