Elevate February 2023 | Air Serbia



Saint Tryphon vs. Saint Valentine

Sveti Trifun vs Sveti Valentin

Toast love with a glass of wine

Čašom vina nazdravite ljubavi Bilo da slavite Valentina, zaštitnika zaljubljenih, ili Trifuna, zaštitnika vinogradara, veruje se da 14. februara počinje da se budi priroda, a sa njom i ljubavni zanos

Whether you celebrate Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, or Tryphon, the patron saint of winegrowers, it is believed that 14 th February marks the beginning of the awakening of nature, and with it the fervour of love

W e must admit that no holi- day has been so quickly and easi- ly adopted as the day of St. Valentine, the patron saint of love. Celebrated the world over on 14 th February as Saint Valentine’s Day, in our country it is known as the Day of Lovers. And it doesn’t matter that the Orthodox saint carrying the same name is celebrated only on 13 th August, as this other Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, has long had his own followers in Serbia, so even here everything bursts with the ap- propriate iconography on 14 th Febru- ary. Hearts can be seen everywhere you look! From silk hearts, velvet hearts, chocolate hearts, red roses, declarations of love that even appear on billboards etc. Who was Tryphon? But what about Saint Tryph- on? Winegrowers celebrate his di- vine powers. On 14 th February, the day when Catholics and Protestants celebrate Saint Valentine, the Or- thodox world celebrates the glory of Saint Tryphon – or Trifun, Tri- pun or Trivun, as he is known in var- ious parts of Serbia. He is believed to protect against floods, serving as the guardian of crops and the pro- tector of winegrowers, but he is also increasingly celebrated by café own- ers and wine traders. Although this is not a red-letter date in the church calendar, this holiday is traditional- ly celebrated in winegrowing regions with the symbolic pruning of vines. This holiday is believed to mark the start of the melting of the winter

M ora se prizna- ti da se nijedan praznik nije ta- ko brzo i lako ustalio kao Dan Svetog Valentina, zaštitnika lju- bavi. Slavi se širom sveta 14. fe- bruara kao Saint Valentines Day, a kod nas kao Dan zaljubljenih. Ne- ma veze što se pravoslavni svetac istog imena slavi tek 13. avgusta, ovaj Valentin, zaštitnik zaljublje- nih, u Srbiji odavno ima sledbeni- ke, pa i kod nas 14. februara sve pršti od prigodne ikonografije. Sr- ca na sve strane! Od svile, pliša, čokolade, crvenih ruža, izja- va ljubavi koje stoje i na bil- bordima... Ko je Trifun Ali šta je sa Svetim Tri- funom? Njegove moći sla- ve vinogradari. Istog dana kad katolici i protestanti slave Svetog Valentina, u pravoslavnom svetu 14. fe- bruara slavi se Sveti Trifun, Tri- pun ili Trivun, kako ga sve zovu u raznim krajevima Srbije. Veru- je se da štiti od poplava, da je ču- var useva i zaštitnik vinogradara, ali ga sve češće slave kafedžije i tr- govci vinom. Iako nije crveno slovo u crkvenom kalendaru, ovaj pra- znik se u vinogradarskim krajevi- ma tradicionalno proslavlja simbo- ličnim orezivanjem loze. Veruje se da od praznika sneg počinje da se topi, da tog dana polako počinje da se sprema proleće, da se budi priroda, pa i ljubavni damari jače tuku. Ako je tako, eto potvrde da

snows, with spring starting to slowly emerge on that day, nature awaken- ing, and even veins of love starting to pump harder. If that is really the case, then it serves to confirm that we can also celebrate Tryphon as a patron saint of love. Who was Valentine? Saint Valentine is celebrated on 14 th February, which is among the dates commemorated by both Catho- lic and Protestant churches. Who the actual Valentine was has not been of- ficially confirmed, or rather, more precisely, there are three martyrs of that name. It is most often assumed, how- ever, that the Valentine in question lived in the time of the Roman Em- pire, during the reign of Claudius II, in 270 AD. Specifically, Claudius didn’t want men to marry during wartime, because he believed that unmarried men make better soldiers. Bishop Val- entine opposed the emperor’s wish and organised secret weddings, which resulted in him being thrown into a dungeon and executed on 14 th Feb- ruary. Legend has it that, while Val- entine was still languishing in his cell, the blind daughter of a prison guard fell in love with him. But Valentine, who had taken a vow of celibacy, was unable to reciprocate. However, pri- or to his execution, on 13 th Febru- ary, he wrote her a touching letter in which he confessed his true feelings. The girl only received the letter after the execution. It was in 1537 that King Henry VII of England issued a Royal Charter declaring 14 th Feb- ruary as the public holiday of Saint Valentine’s Day.

i Trifuna možemo da slavimo kao zaštitnika ljubavi. Ko je Valentin Sveti Valentin se proslavlja 14. februara i spada u datume koje obeležavaju katolička i pro- testantska crkva. Zvanično nije utvrđeno ko je bio Valentin, tač- nije postojala su tri mučenika sa tim imenom. Ipak se najčešće pretpostav- lja da se radi o Valentinu iz vre- mena Rimskog carstva i vladavine Klaudija Drugog, oko 270. godi- ne nove ere. Klaudije, naime, ni- je želeo da se muškarci žene dok traju ratovi jer je verovao da su neoženjeni muškarci bolji vojnici. Biskup Valentin se protivio tome i organizovao je tajna venčanja. Zbog toga je bačen u tamnicu i nad njim je izvršena smrtna ka- zna 14. februara. Prema legendi, dok je Valentin još bio u svojoj ćeliji, slepa ćerka zatvorskog ču- vara se zaljubila u njega. Ali Va- lentin, koji je bio zavetovan na celibat, nije mogao da joj uzvra- ti ljubav. Ipak, pre pogubljenja, 13. februara, napisao joj je dir- ljivo pismo, u kojem je priznao svoja istinska osećanja. Devojka je primila pismo tek nakon po- gubljenja. Godine 1537. engle- ski kralj Henri Sedmi zvanično je proglasio 14. februar za pra- znik Svetog Valentina.


Mnogi veruju da je simbol X postao sinonim za poljubac u srednjem veku, kada oni koji nisu umeli da se potpišu pisali X i ljubili ga u znak iskrenosti Many believe that the X symbol became a synonym for a kiss in the Middle Ages, when the illiterate would scribble an X in place of their signature and kiss it to show their honesty

Tekst/Words: Branka Gajić Fotografije/Photography: Depositphotos

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