ukusi srbije / Tastes of Serbia
voda u kojima nije poželjan i dobrodo- šao. Ovaj specijalitet srpske kuhinje napravljen je od pečene crvene pa- prike i tradicionalno se pravi na jesen, kada je sezona, pa se koristi cele go- dine. Može biti neutralan i ljut, a naj- lepši je kad se priprema ručno u otvo- renim šerpama, na šporetu na drva. Od tog ajvara slađeg nema jer ga nije baš ni lako spremiti. Treba te paprike ispeći, pa ocediti, dugo krčkati i pu- no voleti. Zato neka vam ne bude glu- po da na poklon ponesete teglicu ove domaće crveno-narandžaste posla- stice. Bićete omiljeni gost. Duvan čvarci – nežni i neizbežni Bojom i teksturom ovi čvarci pod- sećaju na rezani duvan, zbog čega su i dobili ime. Retki su oni koji mogu da im odole, a sigurno su na meni- ju svakog gurmana koji drži do sebe. Po njima je Srbija nadaleko pozna- ta jer strani gosti koji ime takođe teš- ko mogu da im izgovore njihovu sla- vu daleko pronose. Specijalitet koji se dobija topljenjem svinjske masti u Srbiji se pravi više od veka, sa mno- go pažnje i ljubavi, bez ikakvih aditiva osim soli. Jedini razlog da ih ne pro- bate jeste da ste vegan ili vegetari- janac, što vam svakako služi na čast. Ali ako niste, probajte, nećete se po- kajati. Slatko – ukus srpske dobrote Malo, slatko posluženje gotovo je 200 godina bilo simbol srpske go- stoljubivosti, ona poruka dobrodošli- ce koja se iz srca nudila svakom dra- gom gostu. Danas se taj običaj čuva u selima gde se još neguje nasleđe predaka. A običaj da se gost dočeka slatkim i čašom ledene izvorske vo- de, pa tek onda kafom i rakijicom, bio je karakterističan za građanske kuće sve do sredine 20. veka. Običaj je da se slatko gostima kao izraz tople do- brošlice služi na poslužavniku na ko- jem su dve staklene činijice. U jednoj je krupno i svetlo voće, u drugoj – ta- mno i sitno. Recimo, slatko od dunja u jednoj i slatko od višanja u drugoj. Ako svratite kod takvog domaćina u Srbiji, koji će vas sa poštovanjem poslužiti svojim slatkim, ledenom izvorskom vodom i čašicom najbolje domaće rakije, znaćete da ste prisu- stvovali nečemu što ne postoji nigde na svetu. Samo u Srbiji.
so easy to prepare. You need to roast the peppers, then strain them, leave them to simmer for a long time and show them a lot of love. As such, you shouldn’t feel silly giving a jar of this homemade red-orange chutney delicacy as a gift. You’ll be the most beloved guest. Tobacco crackling – delicate and irresistible This crackling resembles cut tobac- co in terms of its colour and texture, which is how it got its name. Few can re- sist this speciality, and it is also certain- ly on the menu of every gourmet, who keeps it for themselves. Serbia is wide- ly renowned for this delicacy, because foreign guests spread its repute far and wide, despite struggling to pronounce the name. This speciality, which is cre- ated by melting pork fat, has been pro- duced in Serbia for more than a century, with a lot of care and love, and with- out any additives except salt. The on- ly reason not to try it is if you are a ve- gan or vegetarian, which is certainly commendable. However, if you aren’t you should definitely try it, you won’t re- gret it. Slatko fruit preserve – the taste of Serbian goodness A spoonful of syrupy Slatko has been a symbol of Serbian hospitality for almost 200 years, as a delicious message of welcome to every dear guest offered from the heart. This custom is today preserved in villages that still nurture their ancestral heritage. And the cus- tom of welcoming a guest with a spoon- ful of Slatko and a glass of iced spring water, and only then offering coffee and rakija, was a characteristic of urban townhouses until the middle of the 20 th century. It is customary to serve Slat- ko to guests as an expression of a warm welcome on a serving tray contain- ing two glass bowls. One of the bowls would be filled with Slatko with large and light fruits, while the other would con- tain Slatko with dark and small fruits. An example would be quince Slatko in one and cherry Slatko in the other. If you happen to visit such a host in Ser- bia, who will respectfully serve you their Slatko, with icy cold spring water and a glass of the best domestic rakija, you will know that you’ve witnessed something that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world. Only in Serbia.
Njujork voli srpski roštilj Koliko je dobra srpska kuhinja, govori i podatak da obara s nogu čak i one koji su hiljadama kilometa- ra daleko od Srbije. U Njujorku, na Menhetnu, po- stoji srpska kafana koja se prosto zove „Kafana“, gde redovi vikendom nisu neobična pojava. I to možda ne bi bilo ništa naročito specijalno da ugledni „Nju- jork tajms“ nije objavio listu 100 najboljih restorana u svom gradu, na kojoj je „Kafana“ zauzela 83. mesto. Razni gurmanski vodiči su u svoje preporuke uključili pljeskavicu, sarmu, šopsku salatu, a sve je dovelo do toga da baš srpska kuhinja uđe u najboljih sto u gradu koji broji više od 20.000 restorana! New York loves Serbian barbecue The fact that Serbian cuisine is also a hit among peo- ple thousands of kilometres away from Serbia testifies to just how good it is. New York’s Manhattan has a Ser- bian tavern that’s simply called Kafana [tavern], where queues aren’t unusual at the weekend. And that might not have been anything particularly noteworthy had the respected New York Times not published a list of the 100 best restaurants in the city that ranked Kaf- ana in 83 rd place. Various gourmet guides have tried the specialities there and included pljeskavica, sarma and shopska salad in their recommendations, and this has all led to Serbian cuisine entering the ranks of the best table in a city that boasts more than 20,000 res- taurants!
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