Destination Destinacija
Nove majske destinacije / New May destinations
Vežite se, polećemo Buckle up, we’re taking off
Ovog meseca počinju direktni letovi do fantastičnih gradova. Upoznajte Kairo, Hamburg, Geteborg, Keln, Napulj, Marselj, Firencu i Iraklion / This month marks the launch of direct flights to fantastic cities. Get acquainted with Cairo, Hamburg, Gothenburg, Cologne, Naples, Marseille, Florence and Heraklion
U mesecu kada Er Srbija poči- nje da leti do Čikaga , svoje druge destinacije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Drža- vama, avio-kompanija pojačava saobraćaj i ka destinacijama u zapadnoj Evropi, ali i do nekih od najomiljenijih letnjih destinacija.
During the month that sees Air Serbia commence flights to Chica- go , marking its second destination in the Unit- ed States, the airline is also increasing traffic to destinations in Western Europe, but also to some of the most popular summer destinations.
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