Čikago je jedan od deset američkih gradova koji imaju timove u četiri glavna američka profesionalna timska sporta – bejzbolu, fudbalu, košarci i hokeju
Chicago is one of only ten U.S. cities that have teams competing in all four major American professional team sports: baseball, American football, basketball and ice hockey
Doživite uzbuđenje čikaškog sporta / Experience the excitement of Chicago sports Treba vam bar jedan selfi sa Džordanom / You need at least one selfie with Jordan Sa dve najstarije franšize u Mejdžor ligi nijedna poseta Čikagu u prolecnim i letnjim mesecima ne bi bila potpuna bez ulaznica za bejzbol utakmicu / With two of the most historically important franchises in Major League Baseball, no visit to Chicago during the spring and summer months would be complete without tickets for a baseball game P ostoje ljubitelji sporta, a postoje i ljubitelji sporta u Čikagu. Od Bulsa, Medveda i Ja- strebova do rivalstva između Kabs i Vajt Soksa, energija i strast su sinonimi za na- vijanje u ovom gradu. Pogledajte profesi-
T here are sports fans and then there are Chi- cago sports fans. From the Bulls, the Bears and the Blackhawks, to the rivalry between the Cubs and the White Sox, energy and pas- sion are synonymous with Chicago sports. Catch a professional American football, basketball or ice hockey game while you’re in the city, but there’s no better way to experience the real Chicago than at the ballpark. Chicago is one of the top sports cities in the U.S., attracting fans from all over the world, and here we present some sporting musts in the Windy City. BASEBALL Chicago Cubs, Wrigley Field For many Chicago sports fans, April is the most ex- citing month of the year. That’s because it’s then that the baseball season gets underway, and Chicago is lucky enough to have two successful Major League Baseball (MLB) teams. No longer the lovable losers, the Chica- go Cubs finally took home the World Series champi- onship in 2016, more than 100 years after their last win, back in 1908. The Cubs play at the historic Wrigley Field, the sec- ond-oldest MLB ballpark in the nation, located at the heart of the Wrigleyville neighbourhood. And although Wrigley Field has retained many nostalgic elements (the original scoreboard is still operated by hand), upgrades made over the past few years have included the instal- lation of huge state-of-the-art video screens. The fun actually begins before the game itself, in an outdoor community space that hosts everything from live mu- sic events to movie nights, and is home to a growing number of restaurants. Chicago White Sox, Guaranteed Rate Field The Chicago White Sox are the city’s South Side baseball heroes, who last took home the coveted MLB World Series trophy in 2005. Their Home base is Guar- anteed Rate Field, located just south of the Loop in the
onalnu fudbalsku, košarkašku i hokejašku utakmi- cu jer nema boljeg načina da doživite pravi Čikago nego na stadionu. Vetroviti grad je jedan od najbo- ljih sportskih habova u zemlji, koji privlači navijače iz celog sveta, a evo i šta ne bi trebalo da propustite. BEJZBOL Čikago Kabs, Rigli fild Za mnoge ljubitelje sporta u Čikagu april je naj- uzbudljiviji mesec u godini. Tada počinje sezona bej- zbola, a Čikago je dovoljno srecan da ima dva pobed- nička tima u Mejdžor ligi (MLB). Čikago Kabsi nisu više simpatični gubitnici (navodno je na njih bila ba- čena kletva), pa su konačno osvojili šampionat Svet- ske serije 2016. godine, više od 100 godina nakon po- slednje pobede 1908. Kabsi igraju na istorijskom Rigli fildu, drugom najstarijem MLB stadionu u zemlji, u srcu kvarta Ri- glivil. Iako je zadržao mnoge nostalgične elemente (originalnim semaforom se još uvek operiše ručno), nadogradnje u poslednjih nekoliko godina uključivale su instalaciju ogromnih, najsavremenijih video-ekra- na. Zabava zapravo počinje pre utakmice, na otvo- renom prostoru koji nudi sve, od muzike uživo do filmskih večeri, a dom je i sve brojnijih restorana. Čikago Vajt Soks, Garantid rejt fild Čikago Vajt Soksi su gradski heroji bejzbola na južnoj strani, koji su kuci odneli željeni trofej Svetske serije 2005. Osnovna baza je Garantid rejt fild, koja se nalazi južno od Lupa u kvartu Bridžport. Prema jednom istraživanju, Vajt Soksi su rangirani kao broj jedan u pružanju najboljeg iskustva svojim navijači- ma, zahvaljujuci faktorima kao što su vrhunska se-
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