Nasleđe / Heritage
Priče iz bogate prošlosti / Tales from rich past Sondermajer i Crnjanski: Dvoboj zbog aeroplana Sondermajer and Crnjanski: duel over planes
ostaće zabeleženo veliko prijateljstvo Tadije Sonder- majera , heroja, pilota i direkto- ra „Aeroputa“ sa piscem Milošem Crnjanskim, koji je takođe bio za- ljubljenik u avijaciju i dugogodišnji urednik časopisa „Naša krila“. Jed- nom prilikom njih dvojica su se že- stoko posvađali oko toga čiji su ae- roplani bolji. Crnjanski je branio čast francuskih, a Sondermajer nemačkih letelica. Kako bi isterao stvar do kraja, pisac je prisutne ofi- cire teatralno išamarao belim ru- kavicama i sve ih izazvao na dvo- boj. Oficiri su ga odbili ne želeći da ostanu bez Crnjanskog u nerav- nopravnom duelu, ali je Sonder- majer prihvatio da brani svoju čast. Dvoboj je održan 26. septem- bra 1926. godine u okolini Vršca. Borba se vodila džentlmenski, uz vođenje zapisnika i prisustvo se- kundanata (Crnjanskog su zastu- pali reditelj Branko Gavela i knji- ževnik Dušan Matić), s trofejnim oružjem koje je za tu priliku pozaj- mljeno iz porodice Dunđerski. Pr- vi je pucao Crnjanski i, prema oče- kivanju, silno promašio. Izvori se, međutim, razilaze kako je duel okončan. Po jednima, Sonderma- jer je kratko ciljao u Crnjanskog, a zatim spustio pištolj i na francu- skom rekao: „Odustajem, oprošte- no vam je“. Na vatreno insistiranje Crnjanskog da se dvoboj nasta- vi Sondermajer je pucao u vazduh i otišao. Po drugima, Sondermajer nije tek tako poklonio život Crnjan- skom. Triput je pokušao da opa- li iz gizdave kubure, ali bez uspe- ha. Intervenisao je Dušan Matić i zatražio od obojice da prihvate za- dovoljenje i nerešen ishod. Son- dermajeru je bilo dozvoljeno da opali u vazduh tek da se utvrdi da mu je oružje bilo ispravno. Šta god da je zapravo bilo, obojica su pre- živeli, sačuvali čast i obnovili prija- teljstvo.
What would remain recor- ded was the great friendship between Tadija Sondermajer, hero, pi- lot and Aeroput director and writer Mi- loš Crnjanski, who was also a lover of aviation and a long-serving editor of the magazine “Naša krila” (Our Wings). The two men once quarrelled fiercely over which aeroplane was better. Crnjanski defended the honour of French aircraft, while Sondermajer sided with German manufacturers. In order to bring the dis- pute to a conclusion, the writer theatri- cally slapped the officers in attendance across their faces with white gloves and challenged all of them to a duel. The of- ficers declined, not wanting to lose Cr- njanski in an uneven duel, but Sonder- majer accepted the chance to defend his honour. The duel was scheduled to take place on 26 th September 1926 in the vi- cinity of Vršac. The battle was fought gentlemanly, with minutes taken and in the presence of seconds (Crnjanski was represented by director Branko Ga- vela and writer Dušan Matić), with trop- hy weapons borrowed from the Dun- đerski family especially for the occasion. The first shot was fired by Crnjanski and, as expected, missed the target. Sour- ces, however, disagree on how the duel ended. According to some, Sonderma- jer aimed at Crnjanski for a short time, then lowered his gun and said in Fren- ch: “I give up, you are forgiven”. At Cr- njaski’s passionate insistence that the duel continue, Sondermajer shot into the air and departed. According to ot- hers, Sondermajer didn’t give Crnjan- ski his life so easily. He tried three times to fire from his fancy holster, but witho- ut success. Dušan Matić then interve- ned and requested they both accept to be satisfied with an unresolved outco- me. Sondermajer was permitted to fire into the air only to confirm that his wea- pon was operational. Whatever actually happened, both duellers survived, pre- served their honour and renewed the- ir friendship.
Obojica su preživeli, sačuvali čast i obnovili prijateljstvo They both survived, preserved their honour and renewed their friendship
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