er srbija info / air Serbia info
Tri pitanja za...
Aleksandar Dimkić, captain Three questions for...
Aleksandra Dimkića, kapetana
Which of the destinations that we fly to would be your first choice in May? “When the nice weather arrives, my first choice is always seaside destinations. Tivat in May is, in many ways, a lot prettier with the start of the nice weather and the birth of a new summer, and ahead of the summer crowds.
Koja bi destinacija do koje letimo bila vaš prvi iz- bor u maju? – Uvek kada dođe lepo vreme, moj prvi izbor su destinacije na moru. Tivat je u maju po mnogo čemu lepši s početkom lepog vremena i rađanjem novog le- ta, a pre letnjih gužvi. Meni je posebno drago kada le-
Flying to that destination is parti- cularly dear to me, because I enjoy flying over the wonderful scenery of Serbia and Montenegro.” We are departing for Chica- go this month, representing Air Ser- bia’s second destination in the Uni- ted States. Have you previously had a chance to visit that city? “I’ve been to America multiple times and I’m really jubilant that we are opening another route. I know Chicago has a large population of people from our country, so I look forward to us providing them with an opportunity to return home ea- sily. I haven’t been to Chicago yet, but I look forward to the opportunity to visit it. And when landing in Chi- cago, I suggest passengers get out of the city and embark on a long dri- ve through this country, because in my experience that’s a great ad- venture.” A new plane has also arrived –
tim na tu destinaciju jer uživam u preletanju preko divnih prizo- ra Srbije i Crne Gore. Ovog meseca poleće- mo za Čikago, drugu desti- naciju Er Srbije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Jeste li već imali priliku da posetite taj grad? – U Americi sam bio vi- še puta i jako sam srećan što otvaramo još jednu liniju. Znam da Čikago ima veliku populaci- ju naših ljudi, tako da se radu- jem što im pružamo priliku da se lako vrate kući. U Čikagu još uvek nisam bio, ali mi je dra- go što imam priliku da ga po- setim. A kad putnici slete u Či- kago, predlažem da izađu iz grada i da krenu na dug put ko- lima kroz ovu zemlju jer je to, iz mog iskustva, jedna velika avantura. Stigao je i novi avion – "er- bas A320". Kada biste mogli da birate, kojim biste od avio- na koje imamo u floti najradi- je leteli?
an Airbus A320. If you were able to choose, which of the aircraft that we have in the fleet would you most like to fly? “I would choose for everyone to travel by ATR, at least once a year, to the coast or a city they’ve never been to; to fly by Airbus A320 to visit one of the metropolises or histo- rical cities; and to fly by Airbus A330 to see a country on the other side of the ocean.”
– Birao bih za svakoga da bar jedanput godišnje putuje ATR-om na more ili u neki grad u kom nije bio, da sa "erbasom A320" poseti neku od metropola ili istorijskih gradova, a da sa "erbasom A330" vidi neku zemlju s one strane mora.
Čikago ima veliku populaciju naših ljudi, tako da se radujem što im pružamo priliku da se lako vrate kući Chicago has a large population of people from our country, so I look forward to us providing them with an opportunity to return home easily
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