Elevate May 2023 | Air Serbia

Čikago / Chicago 11 h od Beograda: from Belgrade:


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Čikago je harmonična mešavina suprotnosti – užurbani veliki grad natopljen šarmom Sred - njeg zapada, neboderi uokvireni kilometrima mirnih plaža, grad u bašti... Drugim rečima, u Čikagu se svi oseć aju kao kod kuć e. Da biste maksimalno iskoristili svoju prvu posetu, uba - cite ove atrakcije i događaje u svoj plan puta.

Chicago is a harmonious blend of opposites — a bustling big city steeped in Midwestern charm, towering skyscrapers framed by miles of tranqu- il beaches, a city in a garden. In other words, everybody feels right at home in Chicago. To make the most of your inaugural visit, add these attracti- ons, experiences and events to your itinerary.

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