and view the largest video-proje - cted artwork in the world at Art on theMART. You can even im - merse yourself in nature with so- me pier fishing and birdwatching, right at the heart of downtown Chicago. Museum Campus The setting for the Museum Campus couldn’t be lovelier: three buildings perched on the shore of Lake Michigan. Set in lush parks and gardens, Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium and Adler Planetarium (the oldest planetarium in the Western He - misphere, by the way), sit side by side, beckoning lovers of an- cient civilisations, undersea wor - lds and amazing universes. Best of all, you have the option of getting there by Shoreline Sight - seeing Water Taxi from either Navy Pier or Willis Tower — whi- ch is the perfect way to travel on a beautiful summer’s day. Observation decks Chicago has two adrenali- ne-pumping observation deck
experiences, located in two of the city’s tallest skyscrapers. Wi- llis Tower’s Skydeck Chicago in- vites you to literally step out on The Ledge, or rather a glass box that extends approximately fo- ur feet from the skyscraper’s fa- cade, over 1,300-feet above gro- und level. Tilt at 360 Chicago tips you out and over The Magnifi - cent Mile, offering views over the city and Lake Michigan from 1,000 feet up. Food and drinks Take a bite out of classic Chicago foods like deep dish pizza, Italian beef sandwiches and Chicago style hot dogs (hold the ketc- hup). Experience award-winning fine dining at the city’s star chef- led and Michelin star-rated re- staurants. Get a frothy mousta- che at any of the Chicago metro area’s 160-plus craft breweries. For something extra special, plan your trip around one of the ci- ty’s food festivals- James Beard Eats Week in May, Taste of Chica- go in July, and Chicago Gourmet in September.
hemisferi), stoje jedan pored drugog i mame ljubitelje drev - nih civilizacija, podvodnih sve - tova i neverovatnih univerzu - ma. Najbolje od svega, možete tamo da stignete vodenim tak - sijem sa Nejvi Pira ili od Villi - sovog tornja — što je savršen način putovanja tokom prele - pih letnjih dana. Plato „na nebu“ Čikago ima dva neverovatna mesta koja podižu adrenalin, a nalaze se u dva najviša ne - bodera u gradu. Plato u Viliso - vom tornju vas poziva da buk - valno izađete na „The Ledge“, odnosno staklenu kutiju koja se proteže otprilike na metar i nešto od fasade nebodera, preko 400 metara iznad nivoa zemlje. „Tilt“ na „360 Čikago“ vodi vas do veličanstvene mi - lje i pruža pogled na grad i je - zero Mičigen sa visine od 300 metara. Hrana i piće Zagrizite klasične čikaške spe - cijalitete kao što su dip-diš pica, italijanski sendviči sa govedinom i hot dogovi u či - kaškom stilu (bez kečapa). Iskusite nagrađivanu kuhinju u restoranima sa vodeć im grad - skim kuvarima i restoranima sa „Mišlen“ zvezdicama. A na - bacite i brkove od pene u bilo kojoj od preko 160 kraft piva - ra u gradu. Za poseban doživ - ljaj isplanirajte svoje putova - nje tako da posetite jedan od gradskih festivala posve e - nih hrani – „James Beard Eats Week“ u maju, „Taste of Chica - go“ u julu i „Chicago Gourmet“ u septembru.
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