Elevate May 2023 | Air Serbia

“New Era” 4 th to 6 th May SCIENCE


„Novo doba“ 4–6. maja

Šesnaesti Festival nauke, pod sloganom „Novo doba“, održaće će se od 4. do 6. maja u svom prepoznatljivom formatu, na Be- ogradskom sajmu na više od 6.000 m2. Ovogodišnji Festival nauke ugostiće više od 800 učesnika iz Sr- bije i inostranstva, koji će u okviru četiri programske celine za- ljubljenicima u nauku predstaviti više od 170 zanimljivih naučnih programa. U Zoni interaktivnih postavki svoje programe pred- staviće 38 domaćih naučnih i obrazovnih institucija. Ovaj pro- gramski segment namenjen je publici svih uzrasta, poseb- no onima koji žele da iskuse naučna dostignuća iz prve ruke, kroz ponuđene interaktivne sadržaje. Naučno-fantastična bi- na stavlja akcenat na zabavnu stranu nauke i vizuelni spektakl. Tema Festivala nauke je „Novo doba“, koje nam je ubrzano doš- lo zahvaljujući svetskoj pandemiji. Festival ovim sloganom že- li da ukaže na promene koje su nam se dogodile tokom godina izolacije – na percepciju sveta oko nas, a najviše nauke i nauč- nih dostignuća.

The 16 th Science Festival, under the slogan “New Era”, will take place from 4 th to 6 th May under its now recognisable format, on an area of more than 6,000m 2 at the Belgrade Fair. This year’s Science Festival will welcome more than 800 participants from Serbia and abroad, who will present more than 170 interesting sci- entific programmes to lovers of science within the scope of four pro- gramming units. The Zone of Interactive Settings will see 38 local sci- entific and educational institutions present their programmes. This segment is intended for audiences of all ages, but particularly those wanting to experience scientific achievements first hand, through the interactive content provided. The Science Fiction stage places an em- phasis on the fun side of science and visual spectacle. The theme of this edition of the Science Festival is the “New Era”, which we’ve been quickly ushered into thanks to the global pandemic. With this slogan, festival organisers want to highlight the changes that we experienced during the years of isolation – including our perceptions of the world around us, but above all science and scientific achievements.

Kao stalni festival nacionalne drame i pozorišta takmičarskog karaktera, Sterijino po- zorje ustanovljeno je 1956, u okviru obeležavanja 150-godišnjice rođenja i 100-godiš- njice smrti velikog srpskog komediografa Jovana Sterije Popovića. Tada su jasno arti- kulisani programski ciljevi: kroz stalni festival nacionalne drame unaprediti pozorišnu umetnost i stimulisati razvoj dramske književnosti. Ove godine Pozorje se održava od 26. maja do 3.juna. Sterijino pozorje Sterija's Theatre festival pozorište / theatre

Sterija’s Theatre, Sterijino Pozorje, was established as a permanent competitive festival of national drama and theatre back in 1956, under the auspices of celebrations marking the 150 th anniversary of the birth and 100 th anni- versary of the death of great Serbian comedy playwright Jovan Sterija Popović. Defining the festival’s programme and status included the participation of the most prom- inent figures in society at that time. It was then that the goals of the programme were clearly articulated: to ad- vance theatre art and stimulate the development of dra- matic literature through a permanent festival of nation- al drama. This year’s Pozorje is being held from 26 th May to 3 rd June.

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