Deo prihoda od prodaje ulaznica za ovu predstavu biće usmeren na podršku Udruženju „Beta“ iz Zaječara koje se bavi zbrinjavanjem napuštenih životinja Part of the takings from the sale of tickets for this show will be used to support the Beta Zaječar Association, which cares for abandoned animals
paid model, but also the year when she lost her mother, captivating Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman. What began as the odd visit and a short train ride from her New York penthouse developed into something more endur- ing. That’s because the longer she stayed on Long Island, the less she missed Manhat- tan. Almost two decades lat- er, she stumbled across a se- ries of farm buildings and houses laid out like an Ital- ian piazza, but with Swed- ish-style barns... Whether by coincidence or fate, that farm became her home, but also a home to many animals. “On the farm I have regular domestic animals, but I also deal with endangered species, so I have endan- gered breeds of chickens, sheep and goats. The same goes for dogs. I’m interested in continuing the line of breeds that are no longer popular. I tend for do- mestic animals that are endangered,” says Isabella, who also has many rescued mongrels that she claims are as unique as sports cars or haute couture pieces – as unique examples! It thus comes as no surprise that part of the takings from the sale of tickets for the Belgrade show will be donated to the Beta Za- ječar Association, which rescues and cares for aban- doned animals.
Ako bi ljudi naučili da vole životinje, bili bi pažljivi i mogli bi da sačuvaju sebe i prirodu If people learnt to love animals, they would be more careful and could save both themselves and nature
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