Kultura / Culture
Vuk Vidor back in Belgrade “Four Play” through the unity
of painting and sketching With a modern, multimedia concept, applied artist Vuk Vidor presents his latest works at four Belgrade locations from 20 th May H is works, which bring the notion of socially engaged art as a re- sponse to circum- stances, phenome- na and events around the world, will be on display for a month in four exhibition spaces in Belgrade. “After the major exhibition
some issues that are dear to me and are linked to the outside wor- ld: socio-political issues, investi- gations of certain contemporary mythologies and their impact on society and individuals. I work in cycles and series, and thus themes always emerge as part of my per- sonal evolution in life and work.” For the X Vitamin gallery exhi- bition, he has prepared an installa- tion called ‘Ćorsokak’ [meaning blind alley], which he envisaged as a multimedia installation with sculptural works, ambient sound and scenography. “I deal with the issue of the alienation and isolation of indivi- duals that we can all identify wi- th,” emphasises this artist. The Arte Gallery will exhibit drawings that are related to the first setting and the fourth one, which will be on display in the gallery of the Students’ Cultural Centre. The four monumental pa- intings that will be exhibited the- re address the theme of the Hor- semen of the Apocalypse. “Those four paintings are part of a wider project with a theme that I’ll develop in the future. As a temporary installation linked to that entire cycle in the Concert Hall of the Students’ Cultural Centre, there will again be a multimedia installation, “Play”. It represents a kind of homage to that venue and everything that happened the- re during the ‘80s, when it was a cult place for an entire generati- on to gather and a hub of creativi- ty in Belgrade. All of that has left a mark that remains to this day. So, we will essentially have “fore- play” on the one hand and “play” at the end. 4 plus 1…”
way. And to launch a new cycle af- ter the various “upheavals” that were imposed on us and disrupted the lives of everyone,” says Vidor. One of the founders of the sub-realism artistic movement, which brings artists together against the excessive conceptu- alisation of contemporary pain- ting, sharing the same vision and attempting to liberate themselves from the dictates of the market and trends. “’Four Play’ represents four se- parate projects and settings. Hen- ce that title for the entire project as a simultaneous play on words, because in English it means “four games” and when pronounced it sounds like “foreplay”. The exhibi- tion in the Showroom of the Bel- grade City Museum will compri- se 12 large-format paintings that have been created over the past two years and is entitled ‘Dodeca- meron’ [twelve days]. Three of the paintings cover the theme of hu- man figures who find themselves in, and cope with, imaginary spa- ces. They are either internal proje- ctions or hybrid spaces where we project ourselves through thoughts or feelings,” says Vidor, adding that this, of course, does not provide a precise idea about them, but can serve as an indication, because the paintings must communicate and transfer something for themselves. “’Four Play’ is some kind of continuation of the themes and forms that I explore in my work, and primarily in painting and sket- ching, as a unified whole that de- als with internal visions and the materialisation of them through these media. And the multimedia installations are like a response to
‘20,000 days on Earth’ at the Bel- grade City Museum in 2019, with over 100 works in the museum’s 15 rooms, I wanted to present my new works in Belgrade in a unique
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