Elevate May 2023 | Air Serbia



TV omaž moćnoj industrijskoj prestonici severa / TV homage to the mighty industrial capital of America’s north „Marvel“ i „DC Comics“ možda imaju superheroje, ali i Čikago ima svoj univerzum. Vetroviti grad je prelepa scenografija za svoje prave junake – vatrogasce, policajce i lekare / Marvel and DC Comics might have superheroes, but Chicago has its own universe. The Windy City is a beautiful stage for its real heroes: firefighters, police officers and doctors

Marvel has its own cin- ematic universe, with DC Com- ics following suit by maintaining its own network of superheroes, but the small screen has been dominated for a decade by a TV franchise dedicat- ed to Chicago. Interconnected dra- mas about the “fastest responders” in critical situations are set in one of America’s largest cities, with the famous Windy City depicted in as many as four series covering more than 600 episodes. Dick Wolf, the award-winning, legendary producer of American crime dramas (Miami Vice, Law & Order, FBI) created the shows Chi- cago Fire, Chicago Med, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Justice. And all of them, with the exception of the last one, are aired in Serbia on the channels Fox Life and Fox Crime. The first show in the series that debuted under the franchise, which Wolf would later rename “Chicago One”, was Chicago Fire (currently air- ing on Fox Life). This drama chron- icles the heroic work of the mem- bers of the Chicago fire department and emergency services for the small screen. Differentiating the “Chicago” series from all previous similar pro- cedural dramas is the fact that the emphasis is placed on the “human” aspect of the story, as opposed to the action. We were thus able, for the first time, to take a peek into that aspect of the lives of the cou- rageous firefighters that unfolded in their private lives. In a way, all shows in this franchise stuck to the tried- and-tested recipe that was pioneered much earlier by the legendary Grey’s Anatomy (the 19 th season of which is also shown on Fox Life), and el- ements of soap operas were added to professional drama, which con- tributed to boosting their huge pop- ularity. And so it was that, already in 2014, the series Chicago P.D. was launched and focused on the work of the intelligence unit responsible for keeping order in the city and en- suring the safety of Chicagoans, and that was immediately followed by the arrival on the small screen of the series Chicago Med, which was ultimately joined by the show Chi-

„Marvel“ ima svoj bio- skopski univerzum , a „DC Comics“ ga u stopu prati održa- vajući sopstvenu mrežu superhe- roja, ali na malim ekranima već čitavu deceniju dominira TV fran- šiza posvećena Čikagu. Međusob- no povezane drame o „najbržem odgovoru“ u kriznim situacijama smeštene su u jedan od najvecih američkih gradova, pa je čuveni Vetroviti grad oslikan u čak če- tiri serije i više od 600 epizoda. Legendarni nagrađivani pro- ducent američkih krimi-drama Dik Volf („Poroci Majamija“, „Red i zakon“, „FBI“) stvorio je „Čikago u plamenu“, „Čikašku hitnu po- moć“, „Čikašku policiju“ i „Čika- go: Pravdu“. Sve osim poslednje u Srbiji se emituju na kanalima „Fox Life“ i „Fox Crime“. Prva u nizu serija koje su de- bitovale u okviru franšize koju je Volf kasnije nazvao „Chicago One“ bila je „Čikago u plamenu“ (trenutno se emituje na kanalu „Fox Life“). Ova drama je na ma- le ekrane donela sagu o heroj- skom radu članova ekipe čikaš- kih vatrogasaca i službe za hitne slučajeve. Serijal „Čikago“ se ra- zlikovao od svih do tada snimlje- nih sličnih procedurala po tome što je akcenat umesto na akciju stavljen na ljudski deo priče. Ta-

ko smo prvi put mogli da zavi- rimo i u onaj deo života hrabrih vatrogasaca koji se odvijao na nji- hovom privatnom nivou. Na ne- ki način, sve serije ove franšize pratile su oprobani recept koji je mnogo ranije trasirao legendar- ni „Uvod u anatomiju“ (19. sezo- nu takođe pratimo na „Fox Life“), te su profesionalnoj drami doda- ti elementi sapunice, što je do- datno doprinelo njihovoj velikoj popularnosti. Tako je već 2014. pokrenuta „Čikaška policija“, fo- kusirana na rad obaveštajne je- dinice zadužene za red u gradu i bezbednost građana Čikaga, a od- mah zatim na male ekrane stigla je i „Čikaška hitna pomoc“, kojoj se na kraju pridružila i „Čikago: Pravda“. Tokom jedne decenije, koliko se ove serije emituju, va- trogasci, policajci, tužioci, lekari, medicinske sestre, vozači hitne medicinske pomoci i drugi često su završavali jedni kod drugih, a sve u ime zaštite Čikaga. Zašto baš Čikago? Tokom višedecenijske karije- re Dik Volf, producent nagrađen sa dva „Emija“ i još 17 nominacija za isto priznanje, doneo je mno- ge serije na televiziju. Uglavnom je radio na programima o zakonu i redu, ali je početkom druge de-

Tekst / Words: Nikola Dražović Fotografije / Photography: Fox

Series » Serije | 51

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