Taylor Kinney (Chicago Fire) My life is tied to Chicago. Not just in the series
Taylor Kinney has spent more than a decade playing the role of firefighter Kelly Severide, and apart from hit action-drama Chicago Fire, his ca- reer has also been marked by the famous se- ries The Vampire Diaries. Speaking in this inter- view for Elevate, the actor recalls the early days of this series. - Like the majority of my colleagues, I did jobs that few could see as a source of pride. I carried golf clubs for men who weren’t capable of play- ing golf. And then I happened to have an audition that changed my life. You are a native of Pennsylvania. How did you get used to life in Chicago? - I honestly don’t even know if I’m from Pennsyl- vania anymore. I’ve spent a quarter of my life in Chicago, so I now view that city as my birthplace. I’ve felt the love of Chicago and its residents on my skin. It is a priceless blessing, which I respect strongly. I’ve got to know this city, down to the smallest detail, over the course of ten years. I’ve lived in many of its neighbourhoods, and most of my friends are from here. My life is tied to Chica- go. Both in reality and in the series. Viewers who follow Chicago Fire recently saw my character almost drown in a lake, so I’ve even got to know Chicago from that side [laughs].
Tejlor Kini (Čikago u plamenu) Moj život je vezan za Čikago. Ne samo u seriji
Tejlor Kini je u ulozi vatrogasca Kelija Severajda duže od decenije, a njegovu kari- jeru, osim hit akcione drame „Čikago u plamenu“, obeležili su i čuveni „Vampirski dnevnici“. Glumac se u intervjuu za „Elevejt“ priseća početaka u ovoj seriji. – Kao i većina mojih kolega, radio sam poslove kojima bi se retko ko mogao po- nositi. Nosio sam štapove za golf gospodi koja nisu umela da igraju golf. A onda mi se dogodila audicija koja mi je promenila život. Rodom ste iz Pensilvanije. Kako ste se navikli na Čikago? – Iskreno, više i ne znam da li sam iz Pensilvanije. Četvrtinu života proveo sam u Čikagu, tako da sada taj grad doživljavam kao rodno mesto. Osetio sam ljubav Čikaga i njegovih stanovnika na svojoj koži. To je neprocenjiv blagoslov, koji snaž- no poštujem. Ovaj grad sam tokom deset godina upoznao do najsitnijeg detalja. Živeo sam u mnogim njegovim četvrtima, većina prijatelja koje imam su odavde. Moj život je vezan za Čikago. Kako u stvarnosti, tako i u seriji. Gledaoci koji prate „Čikago u plamenu“ videli su da se nedavno moj junak umalo udavio u jezeru, ta- ko da sam Čikago upoznao čak i sa te strane. (smeh)
cenije ovog veka imao za cilj da pokrene seriju o gradskim vatro- gascima koji, za razliku od njiho- vih ostalih kolega iz hitne službe poput bolničara i policajaca, ni- su bili tako često tema TV serija. Zbog čitavog ciklusa serija posve- ćenih hitnim službama u Njujor- ku još jedan šou na tu temu na male ekrane ne bi doneo ništa posebno novo. Sa liste potenci- jalnih gradova u koje bi trebalo da bude smeštena radnja otpao je i Los Anđeles, uz obrazloženje da Holivud jednostavno „nema kad da bude još dramatičniji“. Ia- ko je rođeni Njujorčanin, Volf je tada presudio da franšiza bude smeštena u Čikago, istakavši da je Amerika zahvaljujući tom gra- du i industrijskoj revoluciji koja je u SAD otpočela upravo tamo poprimila svoj današnji izgled. Činjenica je da je moderan pri-
cago Justice. Over the course of the decade during which these shows have been on air, firefighters, police officers, prosecutors, doctors, nurs- es and others have often ended up side by side, and all in the name of protecting Chicago. Why Chicago specifically? During a career that’s lasted mul- tiple decades, producer Dick Wolf, who has won two Emmys and re- ceived another 17 nominations for the same award, has brought many series to television. He’s worked mainly on shows related to law and order, but his aim at the start of the 2020s was to launch a series about urban firefighters, who – unlike their colleagues in other emergency ser- vices, such as paramedics and police- men – haven’t often been the sub- ject of TV series. With there having already been an entire cycle of shows
dedicated to the emergency servic- es in New York, yet another show on the same subject wouldn’t have brought anything particularly new to the small screen. Los Angeles was also dropped from the list of poten- tial cities where the story could be set, with the explanation that Hol- lywood simply “doesn’t have time to be more dramatic”. Despite being a native New Yorker, Wolf then decid- ed to base the franchise in Chicago, noting that it was thanks to this city, and the U.S. industrial revolution that started right there, that Ameri- ca gained its current look. It is a fact that the modern approach to sky- scraper construction, based on an in- ternal steel frame core that enabled the replacing of brick and block walls with glass, was established in Chi- cago and then copied by New York- ers. The “Chicago” franchise is kind of an homage to the powerful in-
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