Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news
Volim hranu, nocni život, a posebno ljude u Srbiji, tako da cu se sigurno vratiti, to mogu da obecam I love the food, the nightlife and especially the people of Serbia, so I’ll be back for sure, that I can promise you How was your A330 expe- rience on Air Serbia? “Personally, I’m a great fan of Air Serbia, especially its Airbus und the globe.” A330. It does feel like a little natio- nal treasure and that’s what I expe- rienced onboard as well. The airline has some of the most dedica- ted cabin crew members, who ta- ke huge pride in their work. There is, of course, always room for im- provement, but that is the challen- ge of our time. Customers are hard to please nowadays, but I think the airline is on the right track.” Will you be on our Chicago flight? “I really hope that Uncle Sam will soon welcome me back to America. I have heard a lot of great things about Chicago and I hope to be able to explore the city myself very soon too.” How about coming back to Serbia? “Oh yes, absolutely, I have been visiting Serbia since 2009 and I love it. I love the food, the nightlife and especially the people of Serbia... so I’ll be back for sure, that I can promise you.”
Danas je klijente teško zadovoljiti, ali mislim da je Er Srbija na pravom putu, kaže Džoš Customers are hard to please nowadays, but I think that Air Serbia is on the right track
How many flights have you taken since then and are you getting tired of it? “I have been on almost 600 fli- ghts with over 200 different airli- nes from all around the world. My most memorable flights? Proba- bly Afghanistan’s First All-Fema- le flight, which I organised in 2021. That was very meaningful. I was al- so part of Air Greenland’s Airbus A330 delivery flight from Toulou- se, all the way to the arctic cold of Greenland. Those are flights that I won’t forget and I won’t ever get ti- red of it... Sometimes I do get ti- red of certain airlines, but never of flying!” What are the best things abo- ut flying? “What I love most about flying is the cultural aspect of it. Every nation has its own very unique na- tional airline representing its cultu- re, food and customs to the world, and all that happens on their very own plane while cruising the skies. While all are bound to the same re- gulations and rules, there is always space for some national identity. That’s what I love the most about exploring new airlines from all aro-
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