Ritam grada / Rhythm of the city
Belgrade forests Oases of tranquillity in a bustling city Switch off your telephone, power down
ki ostaci; da njeno drveće čuva isti- nu o brojnim legendama, a prema jednoj su Avalu pohodili i Argonauti u potrazi za Zlatnim runom. Na vr- hu vas čeka pogled na Beograd ko- ji se pamti zauvek. ADA CIGANLIJA I možda najpopularnija od svih, Ada Ciganlija. Zbog guste šume, ma- hom hrastova, brestova i topole, sre- dinom prošlog veka obogaćene ame- ričkom topolom i zelenim jasenom, zovu je zelenom oazom, a zbog je- zera – beogradskim morem. Savsko jezero je i danas rezervoar pijaće vo- de, stalno pročišćivano podvodnim biljem, ali su se iz šume sklonili sr- ndaći, lisice, pa i zečevi, uznemire- ni vrevom velegrada. Možete peške obići krug oko jezera, ako ima vre- mena i volje za 7.700 metara. Ovde se definitivno možete okupati na sve moguće načine – zaplivati u jezeru ili se kupati u šumi na japanski na- čin. Ada vas sigurno neće razočarati. of the few things that we haven’t written off U svetu u kojem se bliskost skoro svakodnevno redefiniše – zajednički obrok u prirodi jedna je od retkih stvari koje nismo otpisali In a world where intimacy is redefined on an almost daily basis – sharing a meal in nature is one
and forests on the outskirts of the city or on the nearby mountains of Avala or Kosmaj. This is a particularly good option during warmer summer days, when Koštutnjak and Byford Forest, and especially Ada Ciganli- ja, become places where you fill your lungs with fresh forest air. Belgrade’s forests are also great places for a picnic, that most poetic of openair gatherings, as it provides shelter from the heat and a brief res- pite from the regular and ordinary. Big budgets and complicated organ- isation are not required – all you ac-
I f you find yourself in Belgrade and want to indulge in some forest therapy, you won’t be left disappointed. The Serbian capi- tal is sufficiently green and you can even alternate between destina- tions and bathe in a lakeside forest your devices, head to a forest and walk barefoot in the woodland ambience
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