Leica D-Lux 7 007 Edition Šezdesetogodišnjicu fame o najuglađenijem agentu na svetu „Leica“ obele- žava limitiranom serijom D-Lux 7 u 1.962 primerka (godina kad je izašao pr- vi film o Bondu), u svakom segmentu poštujući postulate Bond ikonografije: beskompromisan rafinman, diskretan luksuz i spremnost za ekstremne za- datke. Zato sofisticirana spoljašnjost samo nagoveštava tehničke specifika- cije visokih performansi zbog kojih je ovaj redak gedžet podjednako na spi- sku želja iskusnih fotografa, kao i obožavalaca kultnog junaka Ijana Fleminga. Leica D-Lux 7 007 Edition Leica is commemorating the 60 th anniversary of the renown of the world’s sleekest fictional secret agent with a special edition series of the D-Lux 7, in precisely 1,962 units (representing the year of the first Bond film’s release), with every segment respecting the postulates of Bond iconography: un- compromising refinement, discreet luxury, and readiness for extreme ac- tion. That’s why the sophisticated exterior only hints at the high-performance technical specifications that ensure this one-off gadget makes it onto the wish lists of both experienced photographers and adoring fans of Ian Flem- ing’s cult hero.
Nothing Ear (2) Ono što je nenadmašni Martin Margijela bio za konceptualnu modu, to je londonski „Nothing“ u domenu gedžeta. Kompa- nija iz Londona je upravo lansirala novu verziju bežičnih sluša- lica koje su potvrđene za audio-striming visoke rezolucije. Nji- hove prethodnice „Ear“ (1) lansirane su 2021. godine i prodato je više od 600.000 primeraka. Koristeći najnoviju tehnologiju, unapredili su postojeći model da bi obezbedili ultimativno isku- stvo zvuka. Nothing Ear (2) That which the unsurpassed Martin Margiela was to concep- tual fashion is what London’s Nothing is in the domain of tech devices. This London-based company has just launched the latest version of its wireless earbuds that are certified for high- res audio streaming. These earbuds rep- Hermes aksesoar za Apple Spoj francuskog bastiona luksuzne kožne galanterije i ka- lifornijskog sna o haj-tek životu pretočenog u kompaniju „Apple“ saradnja je upisana u istoriju dizajna. Ipak, svaki put kad predstave nove detalje za gedžete kao da nam svima iznova odgovore na pitanje – šta pokloniti nekome ko ima sve? Odgovor znamo: papreno skupi dodaci za minimali- stičke uređaje (od „AppleWatch“ do „AirPods Pro“) najno- viji su trend. Hermès accessories for Apple Fusing a French bastion of luxury leather goods and the Cal- ifornian dream of high-tech life transfused into company Apple, this collaboration is inscribed into the history of de- sign. Nonetheless, every time they present new details for gadgets, it is as though they are once again providing us all with an answer to the question: “what do you give some- one who already has everything?” We know the answer: ex- tremely pricey accessories for minimalist devices (from the AppleWatch to AirPods Pro) are the latest word in trendy.
Gomi Bluetooth zvučnik Delom nalik na skulpturu, delom podsećajući na odgovornost prema održi- vosti – iz brajtonskog dizajn studija „Gomi“ stiže serija prenosivih bluetooth zvučnika za čiju spoljašnjost su iskorišćeni reciklabilna plastika i stare bateri- je za elektične bicikle. Nazvana „Collection One“, pruža uvid u to kako nešto lepo može da proistekne iz otpada, a unikatnost im daje to što je svaki ručno napravljen u njihovom studiju nadomak plaže. Gomi Bluetooth speaker Partly resembling a sculpture and partly serving as a reminder of the need to be responsible towards sustainability – Brighton-based design studio Gomi brings a limited-edition series of portable Bluetooth speakers with an external appearance created using recycled plastic and old e-bike batteries. Dubbed “Collection One”, it showcases how something beautiful can be created from waste – and what renders them unique is that each unit is handcrafted at the Gomi studio beside the famous beach.
resent an update to the previous Ear (1), which was launched in 2021 and sold over 600,000 units. Uti- lising cutting-edge technology, the ex- isting model has
been improved up- on to create the ul- timate personal lis- tening experience.
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