Čikago, hvala ti za brauni! Ako niste znali, brauni je rođen u Čikagu, a zasluge pripadaju Berti Onore Palmer. Upravni odbor Svetske kolumbijske izložbe iz 1893. godine kontaktirao je sa gospođom Poter da je zamoli da napravi ukusan i prenosiv desert (da se jede dok šetaš po vrucini). Gospo- đa Poter je odmah počela da radi u kuhinji „Palmer Hausa“
Chicago, thanks for brownies! In the case that you didn’t know, brownies were invented in Chicago and the credit belongs to Bertha Honoré Palmer. The Board of Direc- tors of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition contacted Mrs. Potter to ask her to concoct a delicious and transportable (eat while walking in the heat) dessert. Mrs Potter went right to work in the Palmer House kitchen and named her speciality the brownie, probably because of
i svoj kolačić nazvala brauni, verovatno zbog boje ta- mne čokolade. Za razliku od drugih recepata za bra- unije, koji su počeli da se pojavljuju 1904. godine i ko- ji su precizirali da se puter i šecer prvo umute pre nego što se kombinuju sa malom količinom otopljene čokolade, brauni „Palmer Hausa“ se prave sa više od čak 250 grama otoplje- ne čokolade i isto toliko rastopljenog putera, a gotov kolač je lagano glaziran želeom od kajsije. Prava čokoladna fantazija.
its dark chocolate colour. Unlike other brownie reci- pes, which started appearing in 1904 and spec- ified that butter and sugar were first creamed before being combined with a small amount of melted chocolate, the Palmer House brown- ie is made with more than a pound of melted chocolate and a pound of melted butter. The
finished brownie is also lightly glazed with apricot jelly. A true chocolatey fantasy.
“rib tips”. You'll need napkins and pa- per towels at the ready, as these cuts of unadulterated gourmet fantasy, coated in hot sauce, are guaranteed to leave you as grimy as a kid. Ribs are the main attraction at traditional Chicago eateries like Lem’s Bar-B-Q. Rainbow Cone This classic Chicago dessert is an ice cream cone filled with the follow- ing flavours of ice cream: chocolate, strawberry, vanilla with cherries and walnuts, pistachio and orange sherbet (in that order). This is the top sum- mer treat that’s worthy of posting on Instagram and has remained virtual- ly unchanged since it was first made back in 1926. You can find this de- light at the Original Rainbow Cone destination in the neighbourhood of Beverly or at the company’s other lo- cation on Navy Pier. Cinnamon rolls Layers and layers of cinnamon rolled into a buttery dough, topped with a sweet vanilla glaze. This is the speciality of Ann Sather, whose cin- namon rolls are among the famous Chicago specialities that have been enticing people to come here for al- most 80 years. Ann Sather serves all sorts of breakfast delights, so you won’t be left disappointed if you feel the need to order some “real” food, but Chicago natives have been com- ing here for fresh, handmade cinna- mon rolls since 1945.
so one of America’s best hamburg- ers. When you order this greasy and scrumptious delicacy, be aware that a “single” is actually a double, while a “double” is a triple! Beef sandwich A crunchy Italian bread roll topped with oodles of thinly sliced and spiced roast beef, with add- ed peppers and the sauce of your preference... This widely renowned sandwich is undoubtedly delicious, though a heated debate always rag- es among locals over who makes the city’s best version. Al’s claims to have invented this cult Chicago special- ity and has won countless awards since first opening back in 1938. You can order your Al’s Italian beef sandwich dry (with the beef drip- dried), wet (with extra beef juice), or dipped (submerged in gravy). You can also complement it with various cheeses, sweet peppers or the spe- cial Italian-style Giardiniera pickled vegetables. Chicago-style ribs Chicago barbecue boils down to two cuts: spicy, coarsely ground sau- sages called “hot links” and the bony, cartilaginous ends of ribs, known as
pronaci u „Original Rainbow Cone“ u čikaškom naselju Beverli ili na njiho- voj drugoj lokaciji na „Navy Pieru“. Rolnice od cimeta Slojevi i slojevi cimeta uvalja- ni u puterasto testo, preliveni slat- kom glazurom od vanile. To je spe- cijalitet „Ann Sather“, čije su rolnice sa cimetom jedan od onih poznatih čikaških specijaliteta i koje čine da ljudi ovde dolaze gotovo 80 godi- na. “Ann Sather“ služi svašta lepo za doručak, pa se necete razočara- ti ako osetite potrebu da naručite neku „pravu“ hranu, ali stanovnici Čikaga dolaze ovde po sveže ručno napravljene rolnice od cimeta još od 1945. godine.
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