Texan ENT - October 2017




The end of summer doesn’t have to signal an end to fun. How about Halloween parties, sweater weather, and football season? The list goes on and on. About Fall

ONE IN 10 AMERICANS over the age of 60 experience an audiological and neurological condition which manifests as a constant ringing inaudible to anyone else. This is tinnitus, and it’s usually due to damage in the inner ear, often caused by old age. Though commonly referred to as a “ringing in your ears,” individuals who experience tinnitus can report buzzing, hissing, clicking, whooshing, whistling, and, in rare cases, music. Ninety-nine percent of tinnitus cases are subjective, meaning only the patient can hear the noise. When no one else can hear the sound, patients might be told they just have to get used to the annoying ringing or learn to tune it out. To help tinnitus patients explain the sounds they hear every day to their physician and loved ones, the American Tinnitus Association compiled a collection of tinnitus sounds at ata.org/understanding-facts/symptoms. At the moment, there are no scientifically proven cures for tinnitus. However, there are treatments options that can alleviate the challenges of tinnitus and let patients enjoy their lives. These options include: HOW TO QUIET THE RINGING IN YOUR EARS The Many Treatment Options of Tinnitus

In fact, fall might be the most interesting season of them all. Here are five facts you probably didn’t know about the season.

1. It was originally called“harvest.” The reasons for that should be fairly obvious. In a world that was far more agricultural, the season was defined by the harvesting of crops. It’s also a reference to the harvest moon, which was essential to farmers during the season. The word “fall” is used almost exclusively in America. 2. Fall babies tend to be impressive. Not only does the world’s most common birthday, October 5, land in fall, but those babies have built an impressive resume. The British Department for Education found that they tend to do better in school and also tend to live longer. 3.Weight gain is most common in the fall. It’s not only the Halloween candy or Thanksgiving turkey. Researchers believe it’s primarily caused by lower levels of vitamin D. As the days shorten and temperatures drop, we tend to get less sun. It’s another reason to be careful about diet and exercise this season. 4. Autumn is good for the economy. “Leaf peeping,” which is a slang term for fall foliage tourism, is more than just a funny name. It’s also a $3 billion industry in New England alone. So, if you thought winter and summer were the only seasons that brought along seasonal tourism spikes, you thought wrong. 5. People fall in lovemore in the fall. Men and women’s testosterone levels tend to spike in the autumn, which makes women even more attractive to men than in the summer months. A data study on Facebook also found that more people change their relationship status from “single” to “in a relationship” during the fall than any other season.

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Drug therapy

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General wellness

TMJ treatment Experimental therapy

Hearing aids

Sounds therapy

Behavioral therapy

It’s important to remember there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution to tinnitus. Each patient must undergo an evaluation and find their best treatment on a case-by-case basis. At Texan ENT, our audiologist, Michael, is available in office every Wednesday to provide a comprehensive hearing test. If you suspect you may be suffering from tinnitus and have not had a recent audiogram, schedule a Wednesday appointment with Michael. After your evaluation, Dr. Evans will be able to see you during the same appointment to discuss treatment options.

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