Er Srbija info
Air Serbia info
Izmir Izmir
Do jednog od najvažnijih lučkih gradova Mediterana Er Srbija će početi da leti od 15. aprila, i to svake srede i subote
Air Serbia will start operating flights to one of the most important port cities in the Mediterranean from 15 th April, every Wednesday and Saturday
Biser Egeja i svetska čuda
Grad Izmir nalazi se u zapadnoj Anadoliji i poznat je po najvažni- joj izvoznoj luci u Turskoj. Jedan je od divnih gradova koje je izgra- dio Aleksandar Veliki u 4. veku pre nove ere. Takođe se govori- lo da je to mesto rođenja pozna- tog grčkog pesnika Homera. Iz- mir je i dom drevnih gradova koje svake godine poseti gotovo dva miliona ljudi. Pergamon je mocni drevni grčki grad koji ima neke od najbolje očuvanih ruševina iz tog doba. Ali nijedan put u Izmir ne bi bio potpun bez posete ču- venom drevnom grčkom gradu Efesu, rodnom mestu osnivača antičke filozofije Heraklita i me- stu procvata umetnosti i nauke. Pearl of the Aegean and wonders of the world The city of Izmir is located in west- ern Anatolia and is famous as the home of Türkiye’s most important seaport. The country’s third larg- est city by population, after Istan- bul and Ankara, it is also one of the wonderful cities to have been built by Alexander the Great in the 4 th century BC. It is also said to have been the birthplace of fa- mous Greek poet Homer. Izmir is home to ancient cities that are vis- ited by nearly two million people each year. Pergamon was a pow- erful ancient Greek city that has some of the best-preserved ruins from the era. Still, no trip to Izmir would be complete without visit- ing the famous ancient Greek city of Ephesus, the birthplace of Her- aclitus, the founder of Greek met- aphysics, and a place where art and science flourished.
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