er srbija info / air Serbia info
Aleksandar Miletić, First Officer Three questions for...
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Maksimalna udobnost je prioritet maximum comfort is our priority
Aleksandra Miletića, kopilota
Nove mogućnosti NEW possibilities
April is at its most beautiful in Belgrade, as the fa- mous song goes, but which Air Serbia destination would be your next choice? “Spring is certainly the most beautiful period to stay in Belgrade, but if I had the opportunity to travel somew- here at that time, then that would be to one of our desti- nations in Spain (Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid) or to Lisbon in Portugal. These are countries that have rich history and beautiful nature. They are also known for their excellent cuisine and fun nights out, while the mentality of the people who live there is most similar to ours.”
April je, kako kaže poznata pesma, najlepši u Be - gradu, ali koja bi destinacija Er Srbije bila vaš slede - ći izbor? – Proleće je sigurno najlepše doba za boravak u Be- ogradu, ali ako bih imao priliku da otputujem negde u to vreme, onda bi to bila neka od naših destinacija u Špa- niji (Malaga, Valensija, Barselona i Madrid) ili Lisabon u Portugalu. To su zemlje koje imaju bogatu istoriju i pre- lepu prirodu. Poznate su takođe po izvrsnoj kuhinji i pro- vodu, a i mentalitet ljudi koji žive tamo je najsličniji na- šem.
Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije pod imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine, kada je promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove kon- cepte poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mre- že. Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima – Aeroputa, koja je osnovana u junu 1927. godine. Od tada do danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduho- plovstva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asoci- jacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Er Srbija leti do preko 80 redovnih i čarter destinaci- ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, Severnoj Americi i Africi. Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- ljeva. Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Sr- bije. Prioritet kompanije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kva- liteta za putnike. Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo mak- simalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu kojom lete.
The national airline of the Republic of Serbia has been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013, when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan- ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and servi- ces across its growing network of destinations. Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airli- ne: Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the Serbian national airline has been among the leaders of civil avia- tion, becoming a member of the International Air Transport Asso- ciation (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 80 schedu- led and charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, North America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both pas- senger and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its par- tner airlines, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international desti- nations in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa. Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as its hub, Air Ser- bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and Morava Airport near Kraljevo. Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry. The com- pany’s priority is to offer passengers an exceptionally high-quality service. Our aim is to provide passengers with maximum comfort throughout their journey, regardless of which class they fly.
Our airline will be flying to a large number of cities for the first time this year. Do you have a favourite among the new destinations? “My first flight for our airline was to Rome. I’ve had opportu- nities to stay in Italy multiple ti- mes and each subsequent visit was better than the last. That’s why Naples and Palermo are cities that I would single out among our new destinations.” We have two large A330 aircraft in our fleet, but also Airbus A319 and A320. Which is the most pleasant to fly?
“The A330 is the largest aircraft in our fleet and the most comfortable to fly. Pilots love it for its good flight performance and the stability it provides under conditions of high turbulence. Moreover, this type of plane flies on the longest routes that we ha- ve. Spending time in America or China provides a special experience in the aviation business and is a kind of privi- lege. That’s precisely why I would give preference to the Airbus A330.”
Veliki je broj novih gradova do kojih će naša avio-kompanija leteti ove godine. Imate li omiljeni među novim destinacijama? – Moj prvi let u našoj avio-kompaniji je bio let za Rim. Imao sam priliku da više puta boravim u Italiji i sva- ka sledeća poseta je bila bolja od prethodne. Zato su Napulj i Palermo gradovi koje bih izdvojio među novim destinacijama. Imamo dva velika A330 aviona u floti, ali i „erbas A319“, „erbas A320“... Na kojem je najlepše leteti? – A330 je najveći avion u našoj floti i najudobni- ji je za letenje. Piloti ga vole zbog njegovih dobrih per- formansi u letu i stabilnosti koju pruža u uslovima jakih turbulencija. Pored toga, taj tip aviona leti na najdu- žim linijama koje imamo. Boravak u Americi ili Kini do- nosi poseban doživljaj u letačkom poslu i jedna je vrsta privilegije. Upravo zbog toga bih dao prednost avionu „erbas A330“.
Er Srbija izabrala više od 120 kandidata za kabinsku posadu Air Serbia selects more than 120 cabin crew candidates
Na jednom od najvećih konkursa za članove kabinske posade Er Srbije od kada kom- panija posluje pod tim ime- nom tokom samo jednog dana na testiranju su izabrana čak 123 kvalitetna kandidata. Na taj način Er Srbija je obezbedi- la dovoljno kandidata za letnju sezonu, u kojoj je očekuje ve- liki rast broja destinacija, flo- te i nedeljnih frekvencija leto- va. Od više od 800 prijavljenih preko 300 je ušlo u uži izbor i pozvano je na testiranje.
In one of Air Serbia’s largest calls for newcabincrewmemberssincethestart of operations under its current name, as manyas123high-qualitycandidateshave been selected for testing in just one day. This result means that Air Serbia has selected enough candidates to co- ver the entire summer season, when a large increase in the number of destina- tions, fleet expansion and rising weekly flight frequencies are all expected. Air Serbia has shortlisted and invi- ted for testing over 300 of the more than 800 interested applicants who respon- ded to the call.
Napulj i Palermo su gradovi koje bih izdvojio među novim destinacijama Naples and Palermo are cities I would single out among our new destinations
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