Elevate April 2023 | Air Serbia

te videti svetska čuda, krstariti Nilom, posetiti hrišćanske cr - kve ili džamije, prošetati nekim od mostova, koji su mesta gde se žitelji ovog grada vrlo često druže… Sve u svemu, nešto sa - svim posebno i verovatno dru- gačije od onoga na šta je veći - na nas navikla. Nil teče kroz čitav grad, pa mo - žete pratiti reku upoznajući Kairo, naročito ako ste sme - šteni u nekom od hotela na obali. Koptska četvrt je vr - lo lepo i mirno, staro mesto, sa predivnom Bogorodičinom crkvom iz 7. veka. Ovde je i ar- hitektura zanimljiva, ulice u če - tvrti popločane i uske, a mno - go je i kafića u kojima možete popiti čaj i osvežiti se, pa na - staviti dalje. Atmosfera je takva da ima- te utisak da su svi u nekakvoj žurbi, svi jure i žure, automo - bila ima neverovatno mnogo. Sa druge strane, Egipćani vo - le i da iskuliraju, pa tako se- de po parkovima, klupama, uli- cama, kafeima i kafanicama,

stite da probate ful medames, jedan od specijaliteta egipat- ske kuhinje. Možete ga naruči - ti u nekom od egipatskih resto- rana, ali je potpuno autentično ovo jelo kupiti na ulici. Jedno od mesta koje hvale kad je u pitanju ful, kako ga kratko zo- vu ovde, jeste lokal u jednoj od sporednih ulica kod Al Sajed Zainab džamije u istorijskom delu Kaira. Inače, to je kao neki gulaš od kuvanog pasulja ser- viran sa maslinovim uljem, ki- mom i po želji seckanim per - šunom, limunovim sokom, ljutom paprikom i drugim po- vrcem, biljem i začinima. Jede se tako što se veoma ukusni egipatski hlepčići umaču, da - kle, jede se bez pribora, što je naravno ipak vaš izbor. Egipća - ni imaju i kulturu ispijanja ča - jeva u svako doba dana. Hibi- skus se gaji u Egiptu, a pije se i hladan kao sok i vruć kao čaj, mada je i crni čaj veoma popu - laran. Kairo je grad čiji se početak i kraj ne vide, pa ćete za pano - ramski poged morati da se po- pnete na neko visoko mesto. U samom centru nalazi se toranj visok 187 metara, gde se nala- zi i restoran sa raznim egipat- skim specijalitetima, pićima i naravno nargilama, kojih ima gotovo svuda. Odatle je pogled neponovljiv.

razgovaraju, druže se ili jedno - stavno posmatraju grad i ljude u njemu okupirani svojim mi- slima. Ljubazni su, hoće da po - mognu, objasne i upute. Ali je u Kairu, u kojem je sve pome- šano i tako uzbudljivo haotič - no, možda najlepše dozvoliti da vas gradski ritam nosi ku- da želi. Ako ste navikli da posećujete radnje gde je sve na svom me- stu, sa fiksnim cenama i bez komentara trgovaca, Kairo ni- je mesto za vas. Khan el Kha- lili, jedan od najvećih baza - ra ne samo u Egiptu već i šire, ima sve, od igle do lokomotive. Ovde ima svega, od suvenira, preko nakita, do kože, teksti - la, začina, najrazličitije odeće i obuće, igračaka, egipatskog pamuka, nameštaja, dekoraci- je za kuću… Bazar radi ceo dan i noć, pa neko posebno vreme za posetu ne postoji. Ovo je u isto vreme i mesto gde se lju- di druže, šetaju, svrate da po - pričaju… Kad ste već u Kairu, ne propu -

Cairo irresistible and definitive - ly unique. Here you will see won- ders of the world, cruise the Ni- le, visit Christian churches or mosques, walk across some of the bridges where the city’s resi- dents often socialise... All in all, this city is something very spe- cial that probably differs from the cities to which most of us are accustomed. The Nile runs through the enti- re city, so you can familiarise yo- urself with Cairo by following the course of the river, especially if you’re staying at one of the ho- tels situated along the riverbank. The Coptic quarter is an old, extremely beautiful and tranqu- il neighbourhood, which is ho- me to the beautiful church of the Holy Virgin Mary that dates back to the 7 th century. The arc- hitecture is also interesting he- re, with the quarter’s streets pa- ved and narrow, while there are also many cafés offering respite in the form of tea and other re- freshments. The atmosphere of the city is

Khan el Khalili, jedan od najvećih bazara ne samo u Egiptu već i šire, ima sve, od igle do lokomotive On the market Khan el-Khalili, which is one of the largest bazaars not only in Egypt, but anywhere in the world, you’ll find everything from aardvarks to zorillas


metara visok je toranj koji se nalazi u samom centru grada At the very centre of the city is the 187-metre- tall Cairo Tower

such that one gets the impre- ssion that everyone is in so- me kind of a rush, that everyone is hurrying and hustling, whi- le the sheer number of cars is incredible. On the other hand, Egyptians also like to “chill”, whi- ch they do by sitting in parks, on benches, street sides, cafés and coffee houses, chatting, sociali- sing or simply observing the ci- ty and people occupied by their own thoughts. They are kind- ly and want to help, explain and offer guidance. However, in Ca- iro, where everything is diver- se and so excitingly chaotic, the best thing is perhaps to allow the city’s rhythm to carry you wherever it wants. If you are used to visiting shops where everything is in its proper place, where the items have fixed prices and the shopkee - pers don’t offer comments, Cai- ro isn’t the place for you. On the market Khan el-Khalili, which is one of the largest bazaars not only in Egypt, but anywhere in the world, you’ll find everything from aardvarks to zorillas. There are all sorts available here, from souvenirs and jewellery, to leat- her, textiles, spices, the most va- ried clothing and footwear, toys, Egyptian cotton, furniture, home decorations and much, much more. The bazaar operates rou- nd the clock, so there’s no spe- cial time to visit. This is also a favourite place for people to so- cialise, stroll, stop by for a chat... And while you’re already in Cai- ro, don’t miss out on the famo-

us stew Ful Medames, one of the specialities of Egyptian cu- isine. You can order it at one of the local restaurants speciali- sing in Egyptian national cuisi- ne, but it is completely authen- tic to buy this dish on the street. Among the places acclaimed for their version of fūl, which is the shortened name for this famo- us dish, is an eatery located in one of the side streets near the Al-Sayeda Zainab Mosque at the historic heart of Cairo. This dish is essentially a stew made from cooked fava beans, served wi- th olive oil and cumin, and opti- onally chopped parsley, lemon juice, hot peppers and other ve- getables, herbs and spices. It is eaten by dipping very tasty Egyptian flatbread into the stew, meaning this speciality is traditi- onally eaten without cutlery, tho- ugh that is naturally your choi- ce. Egyptians also have a culture of drinking tea at any time of the day. Hibiscus is cultivated in Egypt and drunk both as a cold juice and as a hot tea, though black tea is also very popular. Cairo is a city that’s seemin- gly without beginning or end, so you’ll have to ascend to some high spot if you’re seeking a pa- noramic view. At the very centre of the city is the 187-metre-tall Cairo Tower, which houses a restaurant offering various Egyptian specialities, drinks and, of course, shisha pipes, which can be found almost everywhe- re. The stunning view from this tower is simply inimitable.

Kad ste već u Kairu, ne propustite da probate ful medames, jedan od specijaliteta egipatske kuhinje And while you’re already in Cairo, don’t miss out on the famous stew Ful Medames, one of the specialities of Egyptian cuisine

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