Don't miss Giza and Alexandria
ALEKSANDRIJA Veoma frekventnim vozovi- ma koji saobraćaju od Kaira i do njega moguće je otići i na jednodnevni izlet do prelepe Aleksandrije, drevnog grada na obali Sredozemnog mora, nekadašnje prestonice Egipta i mesta u kom se nalazilo jed- no od sedam svetskih čuda Starog sveta – svetionik na ostrvu Faro. Tu je i čuvena bi - blioteka, najveća na svetu. Sastoji se od brojnih muzeja, galerija i planetarijuma, kao i bezbrojnih knjiga (posto - ji šest specijalizovanih biblio- teka). Nažalost, izvorna je iz - gorela u požaru, a ponovo je izgrađena tek 2002. godine. Svakako se zaputite i do Dža - mije Abu al Abbas al Mursi, jedne od najlepših i najstari- jih džamija u Egiptu. Šetnjom kroz grad lako ćete uočiti i tvrđavu smeštenu uz obalu. Tvrđava iz 15. veka podignuta je na istom mestu kao i alek- sandrijski svetionik. Ovde mo- žete slobodno pustiti mašti da vas vrati u neka prošla vre- mena velikog Egipta.
Numerous interesting sites lin- ked to the history of Egypt are located in close proximity to
Cairo. GIZA
The number one spot is Gi- za, with its famous pyramids and the mystical Sphinx. Le- ading to the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile is the 11-kilometre-long pyramid ro- ad, Al-Haram Street. First esta- blished back in 1869, to coin- cide with the opening of the Suez Canal, it has since been widened and tarmacked. Belie- ved to have been conceived as tombs, the pyramids represent giant staircases that lead the ascent of the soul and spirit of departed kings towards the sun and the spirit world. The Giza pyramids were bu- ilt to last eternally. Constru- cted approximately 4,500 ye- ars ago, these monumental structures represent relics of the period of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. In the belief that the pharaohs would become gods after they died, their tombs we- re filled with things that every ruler would need to survive in the afterlife. Khufu, aka Cheops, is the pha- raoh believed to have first be - gun the project to constru- ct the Giza pyramid complex in around the year 2550 B.C. The Great Pyramid, the lar- gest in Giza, rises to a height of approximately 147 metres above the plateau. Each of its 2.3 million stone blocks has an estimated weight of between 2.5 and 15 tons. His son, Khafre, built the second Gi- za pyramid in around the year 2520 B.C. His necropolis inclu- ded the Sphinx, the mysterio-
Ne propustite Gizu i Aleksandriju
Nedaleko od Kaira nalaze se brojna interesantna mesta koja su povezana sa istorijom Egipta. GIZA Na prvom mestu tu je Giza, sa čuvenim piramidama i mi - stičnom Sfingom. Do pla - toa Gize na levoj obali Ni - la vodi Put piramida (Šarija al Ahram) dug 11 kilometara. Trasiran još 1869. povodom otvaranja Sueckog kanala, sada je proširen i asfaltiran. Zamišljena kao grobnica, pi- ramida je divovsko stepenište kojim se duša i duh umrlog kralja penju ka suncu i duhov- nom svetu. Piramide u Gizi građene su za večnost. Monumental - ne grobnice su relikti iz doba starog kraljevstva i izgrađe - ne su pre otprilike 4.500 go- dina.Verovalo se da će egi - patski faraoni, nakon što umru, postati bogovi. Svoje grobnice ispunjavali su stva- rima koje bi svaki vladar tre- balo da ima kako bi opstao na onom svetu. Faraon Keops je prvi zapo- čeo projekat kompleksa pi - ramida u Gizi, oko 2550. go - dine pre nove ere. Njegova Velika piramida je najveca u Gizi i izdiže se oko 147 meta - ra iznad visoravni. Procenju - je se da je svaki od 2,3 mili - ona kamenih blokova težak
od 2,5 do 15 tona. Njegov sin, faraon Kefren, izgradio je drugu piramidu u Gizi, oko 2520. godine pre nove ere. Njegova nekropola je uklju - čivala Sfingu, misteriozni spomenik od krečnjaka sa telom lava i faraonovom gla- vom. Sfinga je stražar i bdi iznad čitavog kompleksa fa - raonskih grobnica. Treca pi - ramida u Gizi je znatno ma - nja od prve dve. Sagradio ju je faraon Mikerin oko 2490. pre nove ere i, iako je manja, njegova grobnica je mnogo složenija.
us limestone monument with the body of a lion and the he- ad of a pharaoh. The Sphinx is the guardian of the entire complex of pharaonic tombs. The third Giza pyramid, whi- ch is significantly smaller than the first two, was built by Pha - raoh Menkaure circa 2490 B.C. Despite being smaller than the previous two, his tomb is actu- ally much more complex. ALEXANDRIA With trains running very frequently to and from Cai- ro, it is also possible to enjoy a one-day excursion to the be- autiful Alexandria, the ancient former Egyptian capital on the Mediterranean coast that used to be home to the Pharos Li- ghthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Wor- ld, but also the famous Library of Alexandria that was the big-
gest in the world. The modern Bibliotheca
Alexandrina, commemorating the ancient original, compri- ses numerous museums and galleries, a planetarium and countless books (there are six specialised libraries). With the original having been lost to fire in antiquity, the modern library was only completed in 2002. You should also be sure to vi- sit the Abu al-Abbas al-Mur- si Mosque, one of the oldest and most beautiful mosques in Egypt. While walking thro- ugh the city, you’ll also easi- ly spot the Fort Qaitbey citadel located along the coast. This 15 th -century fortress was bu- ilt on the site of the Lighthou- se of Alexandria and here you can let your imagination run wild and transport you back to some long-gone times of gre- at Egypt.
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