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Jedan od najvećih rokenrol gitarista na svetu, Stiv Vaj, održaće koncert 27. aprila u beogradskoj MTS dvorani. Slavni američ- ki virtuoz stiže u Srbiju u sklopu evropskog dela turneje na kojoj promoviše 10. samo- stalni studijski album „Inviolate“, objavljen pre godinu dana. Muzičar koga mnogi bez preterivanja nazivaju genijem treći put će u ovom veku prirediti jedinstven spektakl za beogradsku publiku. Vaj je više od četiri decenije uzor brojnim muzičarima na svim meridijanima. Nije ni čudo ako se ima u vi- du da ga je sa svega 12 godina prvim lekci- jama naučio takođe jedan od najvećih gi- tarista na svetu Džo Satrijani, a da je već sa 18 započeo profesionalnu karijeru na- stupajući sa još jednom legendom, Fren- kom Zapom. Stiv Vaj u Beogradu
Steve Vai in Belgrade
Steve Vai, one of the world’s all-time great- est rock guitarists, will hold a concert at Bel- grade’s MTS Hall on 27 th April. This famous American virtuoso arrives in Serbia as part of the European leg of his world tour to promote his 10 th solo studio album, Inviolate, which was released a year ago. This musician, who many dub a genius without hyperbole, will put on a unique show for the Belgrade audience for the third time this century. Vai has spent more than four decades serving as a role model for countless musicians worldwide. And that’s no wonder if we consider that he had his first les- sons with Joe Satriani, also one of the world’s greatest guitarists, at the tender age of 12 and launched his professional career and started performing with another legend, Frank Zappa, at the age of 18.
Retro spectacle with Marko Nastić
Five years after the first edition of “Retro spec- tacle”, the 25 th anniversary of Marko Nastić’s career is being commemorated together with the fifth anniversary of the event that placed local DJs at the centre of events as stars of a spectacle. Retro spectacle is an event that has unified all generations of electronic mu- sic lovers and left an indelible mark on the lo- cal clubbing scene. This time, instead of being divided into 20 years, the night will be divided into 25, with the four biggest hits that marked the year in question to be played in each sec- tion. A total of 50 star DJs of the Serbian club- bing scene will perform over the course of eight hours of continuous music, featuring a hundred top hits, for 8,000 fans of electron- ic music on 22 nd April in Hangar 1 of the Port of Belgrade.
Marko Nastić i „Retrospektakl“
Pet godina nakon prvog izdanja „Retrospektakla“, obeleževa se 25 godina karijere Marka Nastića i pet godina od događaja koji je u svoj fokus postavio domaće disk-džo- keje kao zvezde jednog spektakla. „Retrospektakl“ je spojio sve generacije ljubite- lja elektronske muzike i ostavio neizbrisiv trag u domaćem klabingu. Ovog puta, ume- sto na 20, noć će se deliti na 25 godina. U svakoj će se puštati po četiri najveća hita koji su obeležili tu godinu. Za 8.000 fanova elektronske muzike 22. aprila u Hangaru 1 Luke Beograd nastupiće 50 di-džej zvezda domaćeg klabinga u osam sati neprekidne mu- zike, uz 100 najvećih hitova.
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