Kultura / Culture
Local record stores used to represent the ep- icentre of the music scene . They were city locations where lov- ers and connoisseurs of music would gather to express their views and opinions. Something similar to what we were able to read in Nick Horn- by’s legendary book (and later film) High Fidelity, in which Rob has a music shop in London. Popular vinyl records first ap- peared in the 1940s and very quick- ly became the dominant format for listening to music. Their populari- ty declined in the 1980s, only for a resurgence in popularity to oc- cur over the last 15 years, with the number of people who appreciate the sound quality of records ever increasing. Musicians are again re- leasing records, while young artists recognise the quality provided by this medium. This is of course also thanks, among other things, to the fact that retro is trendy. Also contributing to this return to popularity has been Record Store Day (RSD), which was created with the aim of celebrating and present- ing a large number of independent stores around the world to the pub- lic. This annual event also represents a kind of music holiday, with live performances, meetings with art- ists and record exchanges organised in cities all over the world on that day. However, the most interesting aspect is the release on that day of limited edition, specially designed “Record Store Day” records, which are only available at stores that par- ticipate in this event. These are of- ten rereleases of the most famous and iconic albums, live recordings, singles or some other exclusive ma- terial. Record Store Day has become an important event for independent music shops, which have been fac- ing challenges in recent years due to the rise of digital media and online sales. This event delegates a global ambassador each year. Last year it was Taylor Swift, while previous am- bassadors have included Ozzy Os- bourne, Iggy Pop, Metallica, Pearl Jam et al. New Yorkers perhaps know best
Popularni vinil pojavio se četrdesetih godina prošlog veka/ Popular vinyl records first appeared in the 1940s
Velika žurka posvećena vinilu Vest da je krajem 2022. prodaja ploča prvi put, odnosno posle 35 godina nadmašila prodaju CD- ova sigurno je obradovala sve ljubitelje i pravi je uvod u događaj koji se u svetu obeležava svakog aprila od 2007. godine
je da se tada izdaju i posebna, limiti- rana, specijalno dizajnirana Record Store Day izdanja, koja su dostup- na samo u prodavnicama koje su uključene u ovaj događaj. Često su to reizdanja najpoznatijih i kultnih albuma, snimci uživo, singlovi ili ne- ki drugi ekskluzivni materijali. Re- cord Store Day postao je važan do- gađaj za nezavisne prodavnice, koje se poslednjih godina suočavaju sa izazovima zbog porasta popularno- sti digitalnih nosača zvuka i onlajn prodaje. Svake godine ova manife- stacija delegira globalnog ambasa- dora, a prošle godine to je bila Tej- lor Svift. U prethodnim godinama tu titulu nosili su, između ostalih, Ozi Ozborn, Igi Pop, „Metalika“, „Perl džem“... Njujorčani možda najviše znaju da uživaju u zvuku s ploča i u ovom gradu se nalazi veliki broj prodavni- ca koje zadovoljavaju različite mu- zičke ukuse. „Academy Records“ jed- na je od prvih stanica koje ljubitelji ploča u Njujorku posećuju. Nalazi se na Menhetnu i ima zavidnu zbir- ku vinila i CD-ova. Put će vas od- vesti i u „Rough Trade NYC“ (Roc- kefeller Plaza) i „A1 Records“ koji se nalazi u Ist Vilidžu i specijalizo- vane su za retke i teško dostupne ploče. Bez obzira na ekspanziju, ne- ke kultne prodavnice nisu odolele izazovima vremena, jedna od njih je „Other Music“, koja je 2016. go- dine zatvorena. Vibrantnu scenu ploča ima i London, a najpoznatije prodavni- ce su „Rough Trade East“, velika tr-
how to enjoy the sound of vinyl re- cords, and the city is home to a large number of stores that satisfy various tastes in music. Academy Records is one of the first ports of call for record lovers visiting New York. Located in Manhattan, it has an enviable collec- tion of vinyl and CDs. Your route will also take you to Rough Trade NYC (Rockefeller Plaza) and A1 Records, which is located in the East Village and specialises in rare and unusual records. However, regardless of the new growth in popularity, some cult stores have failed to resist the spir- it of the times. One such outlet was Other Music, which closed its doors for the last time in 2016. London also has a vibrant record scene, with its most famous record shops including Rough Trade East, a large outlet in Brick Lane form- ing part of the Rough Trade chain,
Nekada su lokalne pro- davnice ploča bile epicen- tri muzičke scene . Lokacije u gradu gde su se okupljali ljubitelji i poznavaoci muzike, gde su se izno- sila mišljenja i stavovi. Nešto nalik onome što smo mogli da čitamo (a kasnije i gledamo u istoimenom fil- mu) u legendarnoj knjizi „High Fi- delity“ Nika Hornbija, u kojoj Rob ima prodavnicu ploča u Londonu. Popularni vinil pojavio se četr- desetih godina prošlog veka i veoma brzo postao dominantan format na kome se slušala muzika. Osamde- setih dolazi do pada, a ponovni po- rast i popularnost dešava se u po- slednjih 15 godina, pa je broj ljudi koji cene kvalitet zvuka sa ploča iz godine u godinu sve veći. Muziča- ri ponovo objavljuju ploče, a mla- di artisti prepoznaju kvalitet koji ovaj nosač zvuka pruža. Naravno, između ostalog, zahvaljujući tome što je retro u trendu. Povratku popularnosti dopri- neo je i Record Store Day (RSD), koji je nastao sa ciljem da proslavi i javnosti predstavi veliki broj ne-
zavisnih prodavnica širom sveta. Ovo je i svojevrstan praznik muzi- ke, jer se tog dana u gradovima ši- rom sveta organizuju živi nastupi, susreti sa umetnicima, organizuju berze ploča... Ipak najinteresantnije
Great party devoted to vinyl The news that vinyl record sales surpassed sales of CDs for the first time after 35 years at the end of 2022 would certainly have pleased all lovers, while it also provides the right prelude to an event that has been celebrated worldwide every April since 2007
Tekst / Words: Marina Lučić Fotografije / Photography: Isidora Everts, Profimedia.rs
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