Uskrs Easter
Beli ljiljan donosi radost, lepotu i nadu, pa Uskrs ne bi bio potpun bez ovih suptilnih znakova nevinosti i naklonosti
White lilies bring joy, beauty and hope, which is why Easter wouldn’t be complete without these subtle symbols of innocence and grace
Beli ljiljan, jedan od simbola Uskrsa The white lily, one of the symbols of Easter
Isusove suze na Bogorodičinom grobu / Tears of Jesus on the tomb of the Virgin Iako ima mnogo boja i vrsta, beli ljiljan, koji simboliše čistotu i nevinost, često se nađe u uskršnjim dekoracijama / Although there are many colours and types of lily, the white lily, which symbolises purity and innocence, is a common inclusion in Easter decorations
O duvek su ljiljani važili za simbol mi- losrđa i bezuslovne ljubavi. Pored oči- gledne lepote, u direktnoj su vezi i sa nadom, verom, plodnošću i rađa- njem. Zato i ne čudi što se upravo za ljiljan često koristi i naziv rajski cvet. Iako ima mnogo boja i vrsta, beli ljiljan, koji simboliše čisto- tu i nevinost, često se nalazi u uskršnjim dekoraci- jama. Zanimljivo je da o njegovom poreklu postoje grčki mitovi, a pominje se i u Bibliji, i to upravo u vezi sa Uskrsom, odnosno Isusovim uskrsnućem. Prema grčkom mitu, beli ljiljan je nastao od ka- pljice mleka koja je kapnula na zemlju dok je bo- ginja Hera dojila Herkula. Kako je on bio sin boga Zevsa i Alkmene, najlepše smrtne žene onog vre- mena, Zevs je izrazio želju da ga doji njegova He- ra, nadajući se da će tako postati besmrtan. Narav- no, vrhovna boginja na to nije želela da pristane, ali kada je jednom prilikom zaspala, položili su joj dete na grudi, pa se nekoliko kapljica mleka pro- sulo svemirom kreirajući pritom Mlečni put. Jed- na kap koja je ipak dotakla zemlju pretvorila se u beli ljiljan. Postoji, međutim, verzija koja ovaj cvet smešta u Bibliju. Naime, uskršnji ljiljan nikao je u Jerusa- limu, na obroncima Maslinove gore, mestu na kom je Juda izdao Isusa. To je bilo mesto gde se, pre- ma jevanđeljima, Isus često molio sa svojim učeni- cima, pa tako i te poslednje noći svog života. Iako je učenike molio da ostanu budni, oni su zaspali, a Isus je jedini ostao budan, i to u velikom bolu, znajući šta ga čeka. Biblija kaže da su kapljice zno- ja, ali i suza, pale na tlo i da su tačno na tom me- stu nikli beli ljijani. Slikari su vrlo često posezali za ovim cvetom kada bi prikazivali Bogorodicu jer je njena smrt obeležena ljiljanima. Naime, kada su ljudi poseti- li Marijin grob tri dana nakon što je sahranjena, na njemu su pronađeni veličanstveni beli ljiljani.
L ilies have always been considered a symbol of beneficence and unconditional love. Apart from their obvious beauty, they are also linked directly to hope, faith, fertility and birth. It thus comes as no surprise that lilies are often dubbed “heavenly flowers”. Although there are many colours and types of lily, the white lily, which symbol- ises purity and innocence, is a common inclusion in Easter decorations. It is interesting that there are Greek myths about its origin, while it is also mentioned in the Bible in direct connection with Easter, or rather Christ’s resurrection. According to Greek mythology, the white lily orig- inated from a drop of the breast milk of the goddess Hera that fell to Earth while she was nursing Hercu- les. The son of Zeus and a mortal woman called Alc- mene, the most beautiful woman of the time, Zeus expressed a desire for his son to be nursed by his wife Hera, in the hope that Hercules would thus become im- mortal. Of course, this supreme goddess didn’t agree to the request, so the child was placed at her breast on one occasion when she fell asleep and a few drops of milk spilled out into space, creating the Milky Way. The one drop that did manage to touch the Earth turned into a white lily. However, there is also a version of the origin story of this flower in the Bible. The Easter lily sprouted on the slopes of Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives, in the place where Judas betrayed Jesus. According to the Gospels, this was a place where Jesus would often pray with his disciples, and that was also the case on the last night of his life. According to the Bible, drops of his sweat, but also tears, fell on the ground and white lilies sprouted in that exact spot. It was also very common for painters to choose this flower when depicting the Virgin Mary, because her death was marked with lilies. Specifically, magnif- icent white lilies were found on Mary’s grave by the people who visited it three days after she was buried.
Da bi beli ljiljan uspeo u bašti, potrebno mu je dobro osvetljeno mesto u propusnom tlu, ali zaštićeno od jakog podnevnog sunca In order for a white lily to succeed in a garden, it needs a well-lit spot in permeable soil, but also to be protected against the strong midday sun
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