U današnjem digitalnom dobu #Girlbo- ss kulturu je teško izbeći. Misteriozno se ušunjala u redove savremenog fe- minizma i nekoliko godina bila je ne- zaobilazna gde god da pogledate: taj hašteg se provlačio u targetiranim reklamama na Jutubu, na masnoj štampi korica školskih svezaka i, u obrtu gorke postmoderne ironije, kao print na majicama sašivenim u zemljama gde su žene suro- vo malo plaćene za sate rada u horor krojačnicama na kojima počiva masovna moda. Kažem misteriozno jer ćete, ako se udubite, shvatiti u kojoj meri je ovaj pojam, koji tobože sla- vi novu eru ženske poslovne samostalnosti, zapra- vo seksistički Trojanski konj. Da li ste ikad pročita- li da neko upućuje #boyboss kao kompliment? Ne, zato što je muška moć na radnom mestu i dalje di- folt ili, pismenije, status kvo u kojem se nešto či- me se žena izdvoji kao lider i dalje tretira kao izu- etak, čak i anomalija. Da i ne govorimo do koje mere je arhetipska predstava #girlboss dvodimenzionalna i zastarela. Predstavljena tako da žena može biti odvažna, ali nikad ljuta. Na visini zadatka, a da deluje kako se ni- je previše trudila. Uvek u toku, nikad pod stresom. Osnažena, ali ne i radikalna u svojim feminističkim stavovima. Opšte uzevši, #girlboss je Barbi verzi- ja devojke od karijere koja ima više zajedničkog sa domaćicom koja manje zbori da joj ručak ne zago- ri i objektiviziranim sekretaricama iz serije „Ljudi sa Menhetna“ nego sa hrabrim ženama koje svakog bogovetnog dana menjaju poslovni svet. Zato ni ne čudi što na Tviteru trenduje termin #Girlfailure, baziran na antiheroinama iz knjiga, fil- mova i serija kojima život puca po šavovima, ali one nekako uspevaju i da se zabavljaju u svom tom hao- su. Tiktokeri su otišli dalje, pa sve „girlboss“ posma- traju kroz njihove „girlfailure“ verzije. Keri Bredšo možda živi na Aper Ist Sajdu i ima ubitačnu kolek- ciju papreno skupih stileto cipela, ali je istovremeno ozbiljan duduk za veze, prijateljica na koju se baš ne možete osloniti i da ne zaboravimo, jednom se us- pavala i umalo propustila svoje snimanje za naslov- nu stranu uticajnog „Njujork magazina“. Da rezimiramo, nesavršeno je novo savršeno – životni fejlovi nisu tu da nas obeshrabre već da nas okuraže, a kad baš ništa ne ide od ruke, možda je najbolje popustiti pod pritiskom i naći uživanje u prihvatanju ideje da naše greške možda nisu ono što oblikuje našu sudbinu. I, ako smemo da dodamo, či- ne da živimo rasterećenije. A samim tim i srećnije.
I t’s difficult to avoid #Girlboss culture in today’s dig- ital age. It mysteriously weaselled its way into the ranks of contemporary feminism and proved ubiq- uitous for several years: the hashtag found its way onto targeted ads on YouTube, on the bold print of the covers of school textbooks and, in a twist of bit- ter postmodern irony, as a slogan printed on t-shirts tai- lored in countries where women are harshly underpaid for working long hours in the horrific sweatshops that high street fashion relies on. I say mysterious – because if you delve into it, you’ll realise the extent to which this term, which on the face of it celebrates a new era of female business independ- ence, is actually a sexist Trojan horse. Have you ever read #boyboss given as a compliment? No, because male pow- er is still the default in the workplace - or, in more liter- ary terms, it represents the status quo in which some- thing that sets a woman apart as a leader is still viewed as an exception, or even an anomaly. And that’s without even mentioning the extent to which the archetypal representation of a “girlboss” is two-dimensional and antiquated. It is presented in such a way that a woman can be audacious, but never angry; up to the task without seeming as though she tries too hard; always in the know and never stressed; empowered, but not radical in her feminist views. In general terms, a #girlboss is the Barbie version of a career woman who has more in common with a doting housewife and the objectified secretaries of the series Mad Men than with the brave women who spend every God-given day chang- ing the business world. It thus comes as no surprise that the term #girlfail- ure is trending on Twitter. It is born of the antiheroines of books, films and TV shows whose lives are bursting at the seams, but who somehow manage to have fun in all that chaos. TikTokers have gone further by viewing all “girlbosses” through the prism of their “girlfailure” ver- sions. Carrie Bradshaw may live on the Upper East Side and own a killer collection of pricey stilettos, but she’s also seriously inept when it comes to relationships and an unreliable friend — and let’s not forget that she once overslept and almost missed her own photo shoot for the cover of the influential New York Magazine. So, in summary, imperfect is the new perfect – fail- ures in life aren’t there to discourage us, but rather to encourage us. And when absolutely nothing goes our way, it’s perhaps best to yield to the pressure and find enjoyment in accepting the idea that it perhaps isn’t our mistakes that shape our destiny. And, if we might add, they help us to live a life that’s more unburdened, and therefore happier.
Tviter i TikTok / Twitter and TikTok Kako su se sreli #girlboss i #girlfailure / How #girlboss and #girlfailure met (i zašto je to najbolja vest za nove generacije mladih žena) (and why it’s the best news for the new generation of young women)
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: Unsplash
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