Uhvatite haj-tek trenutak / Grasp the high-tech moment Gedžeti / Gadgets Sony CH720N headphones This tech giant, which already boasts an impressive line-up of head- phones, recently added this model that it claims to be the lightest ev- er. Pragmatic and thoughtfully designed, as is a given when it comes to Sony, taking into consideration all the advantages of its specifications makes it clear that this is the ideal choice for all those requiring reliable headphones for everyday use – in a very reasonable price range. Sony CH720N slušalice Tehnološki gigant ima impresivan lajnap slušalica, kojem je nedav- no dodat i ovaj model, za koji tvrde da je najlakši ikad. Pragmatičan, promišljen dizajn se podrazumeva kad je Sony u pitanju, tako da ako uzmemo u obzir sve prednosti specifikacija, jasno je da je pred nama idealan izbor za sve one kojima trebaju pouzdane slušalice za svakodnevnu upotrebu u vrlo prihvatljivom cenovnom rangu. Proleće je samo po sebi inspirativno, a ovo je donelo nekoliko novih gedžeta koji čine da svet oko sebe vidimo novim očima / Spring is itself inspiring, and this year it has brought with it a number of new gadgets that enable us to see the world that surrounds us through new eyes
Instax Mini Evo Hybrid Camera
Instax Mini Evo Hybrid Camera The market position of the Instax brand is de- termined by its commitment to young indi- vidualists in the creative industries – gener- ations raised on the benefits of sharing via social media. It was also in the spirit of imag- ination and spontaneity that this Mini Evo hy- brid camera emerged, with its main advan- tage being that it has never been easier to connect with other creators. By combining seemingly diametrically opposed instant and digital technologies, this is a gadget that will awaken in everyone the documentarian of the digital age.
Pozicija „Instax“ brenda na tržištu dik- tira posvećenost mladim individualisti- ma u kreativnoj industriji – generacijama odraslim na tekovinama šerovanja putem društvenih mreža. U znaku maštovitosti i spontanosti nastala je i ova „Mini Evo“ hi- bridna kamera čija je osnovna prednost to što nikad nije bilo lakše da se povežete sa drugim stvaraocima. Spajajući naizgled oprečne instant i digitalne tehnologije, reč je o gedžetu koji će u svakome probuditi dokumentaristu digitalnog doba.
Xiaomi Wireless AR naočare Još jedan brend je ušao u arenu nosivih gedžeta – sada po- red „Microsoft HoloLens“ i „Google Glass“, možete odabrati i „Xiaomi“ naočare koje spajaju virtualno i fizičko okruženje kroz opremu za oči. Iako je reč o prototipu, ova kompanija nije časila časa da svoj atraktivni novitet predstavi na „Mo- bile World Congress“ manifestaciji u Barseloni i reakcije po- znavalaca tehnološke industrije su ohrabrujuće pozitivne. Xiaomi Wireless AR glasses Another brand has entered the wearable gadgets arena – now, apart from Microsoft HoloLens and Google Glass, you can al- so choose these Xiaomi smart glasses that combine the virtu- al and physical environments through eyewear. Despite still be- ing a prototype, this company wasted no time in presenting its attractive new gadget at Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress – and the reactions among tech industry connoisseurs proved encouragingly positive.
Bigscreen VR Headset Uz obećanje da je reč o najmanjem gedžetu te vrste na svetu, „Bigscreen“ svaki primerak radi po meri mušteri- je koristeći 3D sken lica. Tehnološka kompanija koja je svoju VR platformu lansirala 2016. sad ima impresivnih šest mili- ona korisnika i svojim konkurentima u toj sferi zadaje ozbi- ljan udarac, budući da je ovaj „headset“ značajno lakši od svega ostalog na tržištu – manje od 127 grama. Bigscreen VR Headset With the promise that this is the smallest gadget of its kind in the world, Bigscreen uses 3D facial scanning to “tailor” every individual example to suit the user. This tech company, which launched its VR platform in 2016, now has an impressive six million users and is dealing a serious blow to its competitors in this sphere, as this headset is significantly lighter than all others on the market – weighing less than 127 grams.
DJI Mini 2 SE Dron Savršen za početnike koji žele da ovladaju pilotiranjem drona, ovaj model staje na dlan, teži manje od 250 grama i omogućava pola sata letenja zahvaljujući specijalnoj „Intelligent Flight“ bateriji. Niz poboljšanja u ovoj drugoj po redu iteraciji Mini SE dro- na čini ga poželjnim za one sa ograničenim iskustvom, ali veruje- mo i da će se i iskusniji dron letači oduševiti.
DJI Mini 2 SE drone This model is perfect for novices wanting to master the art of drone piloting. Weigh-
ing less than 250 grams, it fits in the palm of the hand and enables half an hour of flight time thanks to its special In- telligent Flight battery. A num- ber of improvements have been made for this second iter-
ation of the Mini SE drone that make it desirable to those with limited experi- ence, though we believe it will also delight more experienced “drone pilots”.
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić
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