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Kultura / Culture

Gračanica Manastir Gračanicu podigao je 1321. godine kralj Milutin, ko- ji ga je posvetio uspenju Presvete Bogorodice. Na osnovu predanja Milutin je podigao ovaj manastir u znak zahvalnost anđelu koji mu se u snu javio pred bitku rekavši da će pobediti. Kao i Visoki Deča- ni, proglašena je za kulturno dobro od izuzetnog značaja i zbog svoje vrednosti zaštićena zakonom. Na- lazi se u selu Gračanica, na dese- tak kilometara od Prištine, a svoju najveću slavu doživela je u 14. i 15. veku kada je u njoj živelo nekoliko stotina monaha. Osim velikog isto- rijskog i verskog značaja, Gračanica poseduje i izuzetno vredne freske, među kojima se ističe lik kraljice Simonide, Milutinove žene, kao i rodoslov dinastije Nemanjić. Gra- čanica ide u visinu, a razlog tome je neobično konstrukcijsko reše- nje – glavna kupola je podignuta nekoliko metara više od uobičaje- nog tipa gradnje. Visoki Dečani Manastir Visoki Dečani nala- zi se u dolini pored reke Dečan- ska Bistrica, jugozapadno od Peći, na Kosovu i Metohiji, jedan je od najznačajnijih duhovnih centara, a ujedno i vredno kulturno-istorij- sko nasleđe srpskog naroda. Ovaj manastir nalazi se na Uneskovoj listi svetske baštine kao jedan od najlepših srpskih pravoslavnih ma- nastira. Visoki Dečani su zadužbi- na kralja Stefana Dečanskog i cara Stefana Dušana, a manastir je po- svećen Hristu Pantokratoru i va- znesenju Gospodnjem. Gradnja Dečana započela je 1327. i zavr- šena je 1335. godine. Ovo je naj- veća srednjovekovna građevina u Srbiji, otuda i naziv Visoki Deča- ni. Najčuveniji su po čudotvornim moštima Svetog Kralja Stefana De- čanskog, koje se i danas čuvaju u ovoj svetinji. Studenica Verski objekat izuzetne lepote i važnosti za pravoslavni svet na- lazi se na 60 kilometara od Kralje- va. Predstavlja zadužbinu Stefana

Visoki Dečani is the endowment of King Stefan Dečanski and Emper- or Stefan Dušan, while the mon- astery is dedicated to Christ Pan- tocrator [Christ the Almighty] and the Ascension of the Lord. Construc- tion in Dečan began in 1327 and was completed in 1335. It was the largest building in medieval Serbia, hence the name Visoki Dečani [vi- sok means tall in Serbia]. It is most famous for the miraculous relics of the Holy King Stefan Dečanski that are still preserved in this sanctuary. Studenica This religious edifice of out- standing beauty and importance to the Christian Orthodox world is located 60 kilometres from the city of Kraljevo. It represents the endow- ment of Stefan Nemanja, who had it built in 1190. Dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is a significant site for sev- eral reasons. Sava Nemanjić trans- ferred his father’s relics to Studenica in 1199, where they still rest. Apart from them, Studenica also preserves the relics of Nemanja’s sons Vukan and Stefan the First-Crowned. Sa- va turned this monastery into the secular and cultural centre of medie- val Serbia. It was here that he wrote the Studenički tipik [Studenica rule- book] and determined the rules of monastic life in Serbia. As a con-

Nemanje, koji ju je stvorio 1190. godine. Posvećena je uspenju Pre- svete Bogorodice, a značajna je iz više razloga. Sava Nemanjić je mo- šti svog oca preneo u Studenicu 1199. godine, gde su i danas. Osim njih, u Studenici se čuvaju i mošti Nemanjinih sinova Vukana i Stefa- na Prvovenčanog. Sava je od ovog manastira napravio svetovni i kul- turni centar srednjovekovne Srbi- je, u njemu je napisao Studenički tipik i uredio pravila monaškog ži- vota u Srbiji. Bogorodičina crkva je izuzetno složen građevinski po- duhvat u kome su na umetnički način sjedinjeni uticaji istoka i za- pada. Prostorna rešenja zasnova- na su na rešenjima vizantijskih os- nova crkava, dok je obrada fasade imala elemente zapadne romanič- ke arhitekture. Studenica je tako- đe pod zaštitom Uneska. Ravanica Manastir Ravanica sa Crkvom Svetog vaznesenja po svom istorij- skom značaju, stilskim odlikama moravske škole i živopisom znatnih umetničkih kvaliteta predstavlja spomenik izuzetne vrednosti. Za- dužbina je kneza Lazara Hrebelja- novića, gde se čuvaju njegove mo- šti. U prošlosti Ravanica je imala značajnu ulogu u negovanju pre- pisivačke delatnosti i razvoju srp- ske književnosti, pa je tokom isto- rije postala mesto pisane reči, ali i usmenog stvaralaštva. Manastir

him in a dream prior to a battle and told him that he would prove victo- rious. Like Visoki Dečani, the value and importance of this monastery also led to it being declared a mon- ument of culture of exceptional im- portance protected by law. Located in the village of Gračanica, approxi- mately ten kilometres from Priština, it experienced its greatest glory in the 14 th and 15 th centuries, when it was home to several hundred monks. Apart from having great historical and religious significance, Gračanica also has extremely valuable frescoes, standouts among which include the likeness of Queen Simonida, Milu- tin's wife, as well as the family tree and genealogy of the Nemanjić dy- nasty. Gračanica rises skywards due to an unusual building solution – the main dome is raised a few me- tres higher than is usual for this type of construction. Visoki Dečani Visoki Dečani Monastery is lo- cated in a valley beside the Dečan- ska Bistrica river to the southwest of Peć, Kosovo. One of the most im- portant centres of Serbian spiritual- ity, it is also a precious cultural and historical heritage site of the Serbi- an people. As one of the most beau- tiful Serbian Orthodox monasteries, this monastery is included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Sava Nemanjić je mošti svog oca preneo u Studenicu 1199. godine, gde su i danas Sava Nemanjić transferred his father’s relics to Studenica in 1199, where they still rest

struction undertaking, Studenica’s Church of the Virgin Mary was ex- tremely complex, combining the in- fluences of East and West in an ar- tistic way. Its spatial solutions were based on the examples of the foun- dations of Byzantine churches, while the treatment of its façades included elements of Western Romanesque architecture. Studenica is also un- der protection as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ravanica Due to its historical impor- tance, the stylistic characteristics of the Moravian school and paint- ing of considerable artistic quality, Ravanica Monastery, together with its church of the Holy Ascension, is classified as a monument of ex- ceptional value. The endowment of Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, whose relics are preserved here, Ravanica historically played a significant role in nurturing the field of transcrip- tion and the development of Serbi- an literature, which is why it became a place of the written word, but also oral creativity, throughout history. Ravanica Monastery and the Church of the Holy Ascension represented a different style of architecture pre- viously not seen on the territory of the medieval Serbian state. With the erecting of Ravanica, Prince Lazar built on the cultural heritage of the Nemanjić period, while the master masons and craftsmen that he en- gaged also demonstrated their ability to innovate. According to its archi- tectural and artistic characteristics, Ravanica represents the birth of con- struction in the so-called Moravian style, which led to it becoming a rep-

Ravanica sa Crkvom Svetog Vazne- senja predstavljao je drugačiji stil arhitekture, do tada neviđen na prostorima srpske države. Grad- njom Ravanice knez Lazar se na- dovezuje na kulturnu baštinu ne- manjićkog razdoblja, a sa druge strane, majstori koje je angažovao pokazuju inovativnost. Po svojim arhitektonskim i likovnim obelež- jima Ravanica predstavlja početak graditeljstva u takozvanom morav- skom stilu i kao takva vremenom postaje reprezent ovog stila. Ma- nastir je podignut 1377. godine u podnožju Kučajskih planina, kod Ćuprije, a mošti njegovog zaduž- binara kneza Lazara Hrebeljano- vića, koji je poginuo na Kosovu, od 1392. godine čuvaju se u ovom svetom mestu. Manasija Na svega 140 kilometara od Beograda, unutar visokih zidina nalazi se spomenik i hram srp-

Visoki Dečani su zadužbina kralja Stefana Dečanskog i cara Stefana Dušana Visoki Dečani is the endowment of King Stefan Dečanski and Emperor Stefan Dušan

Ravanica je zadužbina kneza Lazara Hrebeljanovića, gde se čuvaju njegove mošti The relics of this monastery’s benefactor, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, have been preserved in Ravanica

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