ske srednjovekovne kulture, Ma- nastir Manasiju početkom 15. ve- ka sagradio je Stefan Lazarević. Od tada je kulturni epicentar dr- žave, budući da je Stefan baš na ovom mestu osnovao čuvenu Re- savsku školu. Opasan jakim zidi- nama, manastir Manasija se nalazi u Pomoravskom okrugu u blizini Despotovca i jedan je od najzna- čajnijih srpskih manastira sred- njeg veka te najbolji predstavnik moravske škole. Đurđevi stupovi Jedan od najstarijih srpskih manastira, Đurđevi stupovi, na- lazi se na brdu iznad Novog Pa- zara, na šumovitom uzvišenju ne- kadašnjeg Starog Rasa. Manastir je podignut u 12. veku, kao prvi veći manastir u središtu srpske srednjovekovne države i kao je- dan od retkih koji je građen na ta- ko visokom uzvišenju. Sagradio ga je župan Stefan Nemanja u znak zahvalnosti Svetom Đorđu, pošto je uspeo da se oslobodi iz pećine u kojoj je bio zatvoren. Karakteri- stično za ovaj manastir je njegova arhitektura, koja predstavlja spoj stilova Istoka i Zapada, odnosno vizantijske i romanske arhitektu- re, čijim spajanjem nastaje nova
resentative of this style over time. Built in 1377 at the foot of the Kučaj Mountains near the town of Ćupri- ja, the relics of this monastery’s ben- efactor, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, who perished following the Battle of Kosovo, have been preserved in this holy place since 1392. Manasija Just 140 kilometres from Bel- grade, behind imposing high walls, stands the monument and temple of Serbian medieval culture that is Manasija Monastery, which was con- structed in the early 15 th century at the behest of Despot Stefan Lazare- vić. It has since marked the cultural epicentre of the state, given that it was right here that Stefan founded the famous Resava School in 1407. Surrounded by strong walls, Manasi- ja Monastery is located near Despo- tovac in the Pomoravlje District. One of Serbia’s most important medieval monasteries, it is also the best rep- resentative of the Moravian school. Đurđevi stupovi One of the oldest Serbian mon- asteries, Đurđevi stupovi [meaning St. George’s Pillars] is located on a hill above the city of Novi Pazar, on a prominent wooded rise of the for- mer fortress of Stari Ras. Built dur- ing the 12 th century, it was the first larger monastery at the centre of the medieval Serbian state and one of the few to be built at such a high el- evation. It was built by Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja as a show of grati- tude to Saint George after Nemanja managed to escape from a cave dun- geon where he had been imprisoned. This monastery has distinctive ar- chitecture that represents a fusion of Eastern and Western styles, i.e., Byzantine and Romanesque archi- tecture, the combination of which gave rise to a new epoch of construc- tion known as the Raška style. Stu- povi represented a prestigious mon- astery during the 13 th century, and also indicating its importance is the fact that it is the burial site of King Dragutin, the last ruler of the Ne- manjić dynasty, who ruled over Ras.
Manastir Manasiju
epoha gradnje poznata kao raški stil. Tokom 13. veka Stupovi pred- stavljaju ugledan manastir, na či- ji značaj ukazuje i činjenica da je i kralj Dragutin, poslednji vladar iz loze Nemanjića koji je vladao Ra- som, sahranjen ovde.
početkom 15. veka sagradio je Stefan Lazarević Manasija Monastery was constructed in the early 15 th century at the behest of Despot Stefan Lazarević
Jedan od najstarijih srpskih manastira, Đurđevi stupovi, nalazi se na brdu iznad Novog Pazara One of the oldest Serbian monasteries, Đurđevi stupovi is located on a hill above the city of Novi Pazar
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