U fokusu / In focus
U martu 2020. godine započetu ekspan- ziju privremeno prekida pandemija koro- na virusa i najveća kriza u istoriji civilnog avio-saobraćaja. Kada je praktično ce- la planeta stala, Er Srbija je sve svoje re- surse stavila na raspolaganje državi i na- rodu Srbije. U periodu od 18. marta do 27. maja 2020. godine, tokom vanrednog stanja, obavlje- no je na desetine specijalnih letova – repa- trijacionih i evakuacionih – preko 10.000 ljudi prevezeno je u tom periodu i obav- ljene su desetine kargo-letova kojima je u našu zemlju dopremljeno više stotina tona medicinske opreme i materijala.
Od 2021. godine počinje period oporavka. Flota Er Srbije osnaže- na je sa dva nova aviona za daleke destinacije. „Erbas A330-200“, sa imenom i likom Nikole Tesle, stigao je u flotu Er Srbije u junu 2021. godine, dok je avion istog ti- pa, ali sa imenom i likom Mihaj- la Pupina u Beograd stigao u no- vembru 2022. godine.
The post-lockdown recovery pe- riod began in 2021. The Air Serbia fleet was fortified with the arrival of two new planes intended for long- haul destinations. The Airbus A330- 200 sporting the name and image of Nikola Tesla joined the Air Serbia fleet
The expansion that had been launched was temporarily suspended in March 2020, with the outbreak of the Cov- id-19 pandemic, causing the biggest crisis in the history of civil aviation. With the entire planet having practically ground to a halt, Air Serbia placed all its resources at the disposal of the Serbi- an state and people. During the period of the declared state of emergency, from 18 th March to 27 th May 2020, dozens of special flights were operated – for repatriation and evacuation purposes – transporting over 10,000 people, while dozens of special cargo flights also brought sev- eral hundred tons of medical equip- ment and materials to our country.
in June 2021, while its sister air- craft, bearing the name and likeness of Mihajlo Pupin, arrived in Belgrade in November 2022.
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