Srbija–Kina Dana 9. decembra 2022. godine ka Tjen- đinu u Narodnoj Republici Kini iz Beograda je poleteo let Er Srbije, čime je nacional- na avio-kompanija posle 22 godine pauze ponovo uspostavila direktne komercijalne letove do te azijske zemlje. Komercijalni let za Kinu bio je kruna uspe- ha Er Srbije u 2022. godini. Bila je to prva godina od izbijanja pandemije korona viru- sa u kojoj je kompanija imala pozitivan ne- to i operativni rezultat, ostvarivši profit od 21 milion evra, bez ijednog evra državnih subvencija.
nove destinacije
Dana 17. maja 2023. godine sa beograd- skog aerodroma, posle više od 30 godina pauze, ponovo je uspostavljen avio-sao- braćaj između Beograda i Čikaga. Bio je to ne samo važan dan za srpsku nacionalnu avio-kompaniju, za aerodrom Nikola Tesla, za Srbiju i Beograd, nego i za čitav region Zapadnog Balkana.
2022. 2023.
new destinations
Serbia - china The first Air Serbia flight bound for the city of Tianjin in the People’s Repub- lic of China departed from Belgrade on 9 th December 2022, with which the Serbian flag carrier re-established di- rect commercial flights with this Asian giant for the first time after a break of 22 years. The introduction of this commercial flight to China represented the crown- ing glory of Air Serbia’s achievements in 2022. That year was also the first since the outbreak of the pandemic that had ended with the company re- cording positive net and operational re- sults, generating profits of 21 million eu- ros, and doing so without a single euro of state subsidies.
After a break of more than 30 years, air traffic was re-established between Belgrade and Chicago on 17 th May 2023. That was an important day not only for the Serbian national airline and Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, for Serbia and Belgrade, but also for the entire region of the Western Balkans.
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11
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