er srbija info / air Serbia info
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Ivan Simonović, First Officer Three questions for...
Ivana Simonovića, kopilota
Which destination would you most like to “carry” us to in October?
Gde biste nas u oktobru najradije odvezli? – Oktobar je, kao mesec rane jeseni, po mom mi- šljenju najlepše provesti u toploj i prijatnoj mediteran- skoj klimi. Barselona je grad koji bi bio moj izbor zato što u njemu možete da provedete i dane kvalitetnog odmora i one ispunjene izuzetnim kulturnim sadržaji- ma. More, Gaudijeva arhitektura, gastronomija, fud- bal, posebna atmosfera i egzotika različitosti samo su neki od razloga što biram Barselonu za grad koji vredi posetiti, posebno u ovo doba godine.
“October, as the month of early autumn, is best spent in the warm and pleasant climate of the Mediterranean, in my opinion. Barcelona is the city that I would choose, be- cause there you can spend days relaxing in a high-quality way, as well as days filled with outstanding cultural content. The sea, Gaudí’s architecture, cuisine, football, a special atmosphere and exotic diversity are just a few of the rea-
sons I choose Barcelona as a city that’s worth visiting, particularly at this time of year.” Are there any destinations that you particularly like flying to and, if so, why? “Tivat has special importance for me – I’m connected to the Bay of Kotor by my roots, childhood, family and emoti- ons. Apart from that, an exceptional ge- ographical position, including of the air- port, the unique convergence of the sea and mountains, as well as the beauty of the landscape, which travellers find inte- resting time and again, ensure that arri- ving in Tivat is always beautiful and dear to me, but also challenging professio- nally.” Air Serbia turns ten this mon- th. What would be your birthday wish for the company? “Marking a decade of the work of Air
Imate li neke destinacije do ko- jih naročito volite da letite i za- što? – Za mene Tivat ima poseban značaj. Za Boku kotorsku sam vezan poreklom, detinjstvom, porodično i emotivno. Pored toga, izuzetnost ge- ografskog položaja, pa i aerodroma, jedinstveni susret mora i planina, kao i lepota pejzaža koji je putnicima uvek i iznova zanimljiv, čine da mi je dola- zak u Tivat uvek lep i drag, a i profesi- onalno izazovan. Er Srbija puni deset godina ovog meseca. Šta biste joj po- želeli za rođendan? – Decenija rada Er Srbije je zna- čajan jubilej i govori o uspešnosti do- sadašnjeg poslovanja. Za rođendan bih joj poželeo nastavak tako ambici- oznog puta i u narednim decenijama,
ojačavanje i utvrđivanje pozicije među regionalnim i evropskim avio-kompanijama i pre svega, ali i zbog svega toga, želim zadovoljstvo i sigurnost svakog put- nika koji bira da leti našom avio-kompanijom.
Serbia is a significant jubilee that testifies to the success of operations to date. For its birthday, I would wish for it to continue forging such an ambitious path over the coming decades, strengthening and fortifying its position among regional and European airlines, and, first and foremost, but also because of all that, I would wish for every passenger choosing to fly with our airline to feel satisfied and secure.”
Za mene Tivat ima poseban značaj – za Boku kotorsku sam vezan poreklom, detinjstvom, porodično i emotivno Tivat has special importance for me – I’m connected to the Bay of Kotor by my roots, childhood, family and emotions
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