Na letu
On board
Zašto volite avione?
Why do you like planes?
U avionu vreme i mesto prestaju da postoje / Aboard a plane, time and space cease to exist
– Volim sva iskustva ko- ja dolaze sa letenjem. Iz nekog razloga mi je veoma uzbud- ljivo poletanje, onaj momenat kad znam da napuštam površinu zemlje i ubrzavam se ka nebu. Takođe, vo- lim da gledam kroz prozor i da vi- dim tu zemlju ispod sebe. Biti 9.000 metara visoko u vazduhu i kreta- ti se brzinom od 800 km na sat za mene je veoma uzbudljivo i prilič- no neverovatno. Ne mogu da ka- žem da se radujem turbulencijama, ali kada se dese, imam osećaj kao da sam u nekom zabavnom parku. Kada letite, prkosite gravitaciji i taj osećaj oslobađa... Šta uvek nosite sa sobom na letu? – Često se umirim i udubim u svoje misli dok satima sedim na svom sedištu. Mašti pustim na vo- lju, to je moj prostor slobode u ko- jem je sve moguće, a vreme i mesto više ne postoje. Sa sobom zato ne nosim ništa naročito, samo knjigu i ajped, ako poželim da čitam ili od- gledam film ili seriju.
“I like all experiences that come with flying. For some reason, taking off is very ex- citing for me; that moment when I know I’m abandoning the Earth’s sur- face and speeding skywards. I also like looking through the window and observing the land beneath me. For me, being 9,000 metres up in the air and moving at a speed of 800 kilo- metres an hour is extremely excit- ing and pretty incredible. I can’t say that I look forward to turbulence, but when it does happen, I have the feel- ing like I’m at an amusement park. You defy gravity when you fly and that’s a liberating feeling...” What do you always carry with you on a flight? “I often unwind and plunge into my thoughts while spending hours sitting in my seat. I unleash my im- agination; that’s my space of freedom where everything is possible, while time and space no longer exist. That’s why I don't carry anything in particu- lar, just a book and an iPad in case I want to read or watch a film or series.”
Vladimir Aleksić, glumac / actor
Ko je Vladimir Vladimir Aleksić je rođen 1977. godine u Zrenjaninu. Di- plomirao je glumu na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. Neposredno posle završetka Akademije seli se u Italiju, na poziv italijanskog pozorišta „Motus“, sa ko- jim i danas sarađuje. Sa njima je uradio niz predstava, a 2004. godine „Rooms“ dobija nagradu za najbolji po- zorišni projekat u Italiji. U Srbiju se vraća 2008. godine, od kada je aktivan kao filmski i televizijski glumac. Godi- ne 2016. uradio je svoju prvu autorsku predstavu, reali- zovao projekat „Teatar u Filharmoniji – Pisma kompozi- tora“, producent je, koautor i koreditelj predstave „Lepa Brena Project“, kao i autor i producent predstave „Puto- vanje izvan središta Zemlje“, koja se igrala i u avionu...
who is vladimir Vladimir Aleksić was born in Zrenjanin in 1977 and graduated in acting studies at the Novi Sad Academy of Arts. He moved to It- aly upon completing his studies at the academy, at the invita- tion of Italy’s Motus Theatre, with which he still collaborates. He performed in a series of plays with Motus, including the 2004 play Rooms, which won Italy’s award for the best theatre pro- ject in the country. He returned to Serbia in 2008 and has since been active as a film and television actor. He performed his first auteur play in 2016, as well as realising the project Philharmon- ic Theatre - Letters of the Composer. He is the producer, co-au- thor and co-director of the play Lepa Brena Project, but also au- thor and producer of the play Journey Beyond the Centre of the Earth, which has also been performed aboard planes...
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Alessandro Pensini
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
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