could reach this parkland af- ter walking about 1.5 km from the Dipylon, the Double Gate in the Cerameicus quarter. Plato, who hailed from an affluent fa- mily in the area, established his school in around 387 BC in his own home, to the west of the Hill of Hippios Kolonos. The sc- hool’s “campus” was further developed in the following cen- turies with the addition of new buildings. A grassy park today covers the territory once occu- pied by the Academy. Aristotle’s Lyceum The Lyceum district, lying to the east of present-day Synta- gma Square, was also rural and well-watered in antiquity. Boun- ded to the north by Lycabettus Hill and the Eridanos River, and to the south by the Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus and the Ili- ssos River, it was initially sa- cred to Lycean Apollo, a pro- tector of herds against wolf attacks. The Lyceum’s athle- tic facilities had already been used by sophists (such as Pro- tagoras and Prodicus) prior to Socrates’ time, while Isocra- tes later taught rhetoric there. It was in 335 BC that Aristotle, Plato’s student, returned to At- hens and took over a Lyceum building for his “Peripatetic” sc- hool – so named for the wal- kways or his habit of walking while speaking with students. Aristotle’s Lyceum contained a library and collections of sam- ples of plants and animals, wi- th a significant contribution to the collection provided by his former pupil-turned-conqueror, Alexander the Great. As a place of education, teaching and re- search, it represented the We- stern world’s first “university”. Visitors to today’s archaeolo- gical site beside the Byzantine Museum can view the founda- tions of a palaestra wrestling school that was founded ca. 350-300 BC.
Ne samo da je drevna grčka filozofija utrla put zapadnoj intelektualnoj tradiciji već je i u svoje vreme drmala kulturne temelje / Ancient Greek philosophy not only paved the way for the Western intellectual tradition, but also shook the very cultural foundations of its own time
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