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Izložba / exhibition
Majstor i Margarita u galeriji „Art for All“ The Master and Margarita at Art for All Gallery
Montenegrin artist Hajdi’s exhi- bition The Master and Margarita addresses the topics of love, the complete overlapping of the sur- real and the real, and the merg- ing of miraculous elements with those that are real, thereby creat- ing a story that speaks of the state of human imagination and sub- consciousness. With her breadth and richness of talent, this art- ist succeeds in imposing herself on the audience and challenging them to reflect further, and you can verify that for yourself at Bel- grade’s Art for All Gallery until 5 th October. Hajdana Kostić, aka Ha- jdi, was the winner of this year’s Red Bull Doodle Art Montenegro competition. Her works are held in the private collections of ce- lebrities like John Malkovich, Skye Edwards (Morcheeba), Frances- co Tristano, Sandra Nasić (Guano Apes) and many others... The first ever Hermitage Days in Serbia event, to be held in Belgrade from 24 th to 29 th October, is being jointly organ- ised by the Hermitage, one of the world’s largest museums, the Serbian Ministry of Culture and company Gazprom Neft. In collaboration with the National Muse- um of Serbia, the Hermitage will pres- ent two exhibitions: the inclusive project Invisible Art, which provides visitors with an opportunity to literally touch history: to touch ancient frescoes, antique car- pets and tactile replicas of other Hermit- age works. The exhibition Tsar Porcelain will connect the dinner services used by Russian monarchs at formal dinners and family celebrations with the history of the House of Romanov. On 25 th October, St. Petersburg’s Yacobson Ballet will give a gala performance at the National Thea- tre featuring the best works from its rep- ertoire. Famous Russian baritone Vasi- ly Gerello will then hold a concert on the same stage, on 28 th October.
Izložba „Majstor i Margarita“ crnogorske umetni- ce Hajdi govori o ljubavi, potpunom preklapanju nadrealnosti i stvarnosti, spajanju čudesnih ele- menata sa onim stvarnim, gradeći tako jednu pri- ču koja govori o stanju ljudske mašte i podsvesti. Umetnica svojom širinom i bogatstvom uspeva da se nametne publici i izazove je na dalja promi- šljanja, a da li je tako, možete da proverite u galeriji
„Art for All“ u Beogradu do 5. oktobra. Hajdana Kostić Hajdi je ovogodišnja pobed- nica „Red Bull doodle art Montenegro“ takmičenja, a njeni radovi se nalaze u privat- nim kolekcijama poznatih ličnosti kao što su Džon Malkovič, Skaj Edvards („Morc- heeba“), Frančesko Tristano, Sandra Našić („Guano Apes“) i mnogih drugih...
Muzej / museum
Dani Ermitaža u Srbiji Hermitage Days in Serbia
U Beogradu će od 24. do 29. okto- bra prvi put biti održani Dani Ermi- taža u Srbiji, koji organizuju Ermitaž, jedan od najvećih muzeja sveta, Mi- nistarstvo kulture Srbije i kompanija „Gasprom njeft“. U saradnji sa Narodnim muzejom Srbije Ermitaž će predstaviti dve izložbe. Inkluzivni projekat „Nevidlji- va umetnost” pružiće posetiocima priliku da bukvalno dotaknu istoriju: da dodirnu drevne freske, starinske ćilime i taktilne replike drugih de-
ruskih monarha. Petrogradski „Balet Jakobson“ prikazaće 25. oktobra u Narodnom pozorištu ga- la-predstavu sa najboljim delima iz svog reperto- ara. Na istoj sceni 28. oktobra biće održan kon- cert čuvenog ruskog baritona Vasilija Gerela.
la iz kolekcije Ermitaža. A izložba „Carski porce- lan” povezaće istoriju dinastije Romanov i dvor- ske servise za ručavanje koji su bili u upotrebi na svečanim večerama i porodičnim proslavama
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