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Solunska 28: O seksu, drogi i rokenrolu Solunska 28: on sex, drugs & rock’n’roll KNJIGA / BOOK
Treći deo trilogije „Solunska 28“ donosi nam priču Milana Jankovića – rođenog na adresi iz naslova knjige – o tome kako je krvavi ras- pad Jugoslavije izbegnut zahvaljujući pove- renju svih njenih naroda i narodnosti u ro- kenrol. Završni deo trilogije „Solunska 28“ doktora Neleta Karajlića stavlja tačku na pri- ču o sudbini jedne dorćolske adrese i nekoli- ko generacija koje su tu živele. Takođe, time je otvoreno i novo poglavlje u stvaralačkoj biografiji čoveka koji već četiri decenije pe- va, komponuje, glumi, režira i piše li piše. Dr Karajlić je rešio da u svojoj sagi o jednom gradu i dva i po svetska rata istoriju ščepa tamo gde je najtanja i izvrne je naglavačke. Knjiga daje moćan umetnički pogled na al- ternativnu nedavnu prošlost u kojoj je krvavi raspad Jugoslavije izbegnut zahvaljujući po- verenju u rokenrol... Knjiga će se pojaviti u knjižara sredinom oktobra.
The third part of the trilogy Solunska 28 brings us the story of Milan Janković - born at the ad- dress that forms the title of the book - about how the bloody collapse of Yugoslavia was avoided thanks to all its peoples and nationali- ties placing their trust in rock ‘n’ roll. This final in- stalment of Dr Nele Karajlić’s Solunska 28 trilogy concludes the story of the fate of one address in Belgrade’s Dorćol neighbourhood and sever- al generations who lived there, but also opens a new chapter in the creative biography of a man who has spent the past four decades working as a singer, composer, actor, director and writer. In his saga of one city and two and a half world wars, Nenad Karajlić decided to snatch at histo- ry where it is at its leanest and turn it on its head. The book offers a powerful artistic perspective on an alternative recent past thanks to the pow- er of rock ‘n’ roll... The book will be available in bookshops from mid-October. Dani italijanskog filma održaće se od 24. do 28. oktobra u Beogradu, a biće prika- zana najnovija ostvarenja italijanske ki- nematografije. Poseban program biće posvećen Federiku Feliniju, maestru ita- lijanske kinematografije (30 godina od smrti slavnog reditelja). Italijanska „Ci- necittà“ je jedan od najvažnijih evropskih filmskih i fotografskih arhiva u kojem se nalaze najznačajniji materijali evropske i italijanske kinematografije. Reč je o veli- koj audiovizuelnoj zbirci koja se bavi isto- rijom 20. veka. The Italian Film Days festival takes place in Belgrade from 24 th to 28 th October and will include screenings of the latest achieve- ments of Italian cinema. The festival will in- clude a special programme dedicated to Federico Fellini, the maestro of Italian cin- ematography (30 years after the death of this famous filmmaker). Italy’s Cinecit- tà represents one of the most important European film and photographic archives, containing the most important materials of European and Italian cinematography. This huge collection of audiovisual mate- rial deals with the history of the 20 th cen- tury.
Dani italijanskog filma Italian Film Days Dani / days
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