Američka fank basistkinja, pevačica i tekstopisac, Nik Vest, najavljuje spek- takularni povratak na muzičku scenu Beograda. Nastupiće u klubu „BitefArtCafe“ 2. novembra, u okviru koncertnog serijala „Musicology Ses- sions“, obećavajući publici nezaborav- no iskustvo puno pozitivne energije. Nik Vest nije samo obična muzičarka, ona je virtuoz na bas-gitari i kreativ- na snaga 21. veka u svetu muzike. Sa svojom ikoničnom čiroki frizurom koja podseća na bas-ključ, ona nije samo talentovana muzičarka – ona je vizuel- na umetnica. Njene kolege muzičari, kritičari i publika smatraju je za jednu od najistaknutijih predstavnica nove fank scene i naslednicu legendarnog Prinsa, sa kojim je imala blisku sarad- nju. Poznati muzički novinar Alek Hen- derson, iz magazina „Bilbord“, opisao ju je kao retku umetnicu 21. veka koji savršeno poznaje svoj instrument. Povodom koncerta 2. novembra u klu- bu „BitefArtCafe“, razgovarali smo sa Nik, koja kaže da je veoma uzbuđena zbog povratka u u Beograd... – Taj nastup 2019. godine je ostavio dubok utisak na mene jer pamtim ko- liko je bila neverovatna energija publi- ke! Rado komuniciram sa svojim fano- vima jer verujem da muzika ide dalje od samog izvođenja. Uvek želim nešto da podelim sa publikom, bila to pozi- tivna emocija ili inspiracija. Moja omi- ljena publika je bučna, uzbuđena i pre- puna energije, što me inspiriše da pružim najbolje od sebe. Tada se ose- ćam kao superžena! Pitanja o saradnji sa Prinsom su neizbežna. Kako biste opisali iskustvo rada sa njim? – Ta saradnja je zauvek promenila moj život. Prins je umetnik koji se pojavljuje samo jednom u životu. Osećam veliku zahvalnost što sam imala priliku da bu- dem deo njegove muzičke priče i da učim od njega. Imate li neki savet za mlade mu- zičare i basiste? – Budite autentični. Nemojte poku- šavati da budete kao bilo ko drugi, jer ste upravo vi posebni i svetu je po- trebno ono što donosite. Vaša publi- ka će uvek prepoznati vašu jedinstve- nost. Vežbajte naporno, postavljajte realne ciljeve i dajte sve od sebe da ih ostvarite.
Nik Vest se vraća u grad Nik west is returning to the city koncert / concert
American funk bassist, singer and song- writer Nik West has announced her spec- tacular return to the Belgrade music scene. West will perform on 2 nd Novem- ber at the BitefArtCafe club, as part of the Musicology Sessions concert series, promising the audience an unforgettable experience packed with positive energy. West is no ordinary musician. She is a vir- tuoso bassist and a creative force of the 21 st century in the music world. With her iconic ‘mohawk’ hairstyle, which is remi- niscent of a bass clef, she’s not just a tal- ented musician – she’s also a visual artist. Her fellow musicians, critics and audienc- es consider her one of the most prom- inent representatives of the new funk scene and the successor to the legend- ary Prince, with whom she collaborated closely. Alex Henderson, a renowned mu- sic journalist of Billboard magazine, de- scribed her as being among the rare art- ists of the 21 st century who have perfect understanding of their instrument. We spoke with Nik, as we await the 2 nd November concert at Belgrade’s BitefArt- Cafe club, who says that she’s very excit- ed about returning to Belgrade... - That 2019 performance left a deep im- pression on me, because I remember how incredible the energy of the audi- ence was! I happily communicate with my fans, because I believe that music ex- tends beyond the performance itself. I al- ways want to share something with the audience, be that positive emotion or in- spiration. My favourite audience is loud, excited and full of energy, which inspires me to offer them my best. I then feel like Superwoman! Questions about your collabora- tion with Prince are unavoidable. How would you describe the expe- rience of working with him? - That cooperation forever changed my life. Prince is the kind of artist who ap- pears once in a lifetime. I feel huge grati- tude that I had an opportunity to be part of his musical story and that I had the op- portunity to learn from him. Do you have any advice for young musicians, particularly bassists? - Be authentic. Don’t try to be like any- one else, because you are actually spe- cial and the world needs what you bring. Your audience will always recognise your uniqueness. Practice hard, set realistic goals and give your all to achieve them.
Postala sam majka. Imam malog sina koji mi je doneo mnogo radosti i inspiracije. Jedva čekam da podelim muziku koja je nastala zahvaljujući njemu I became a mother. I have a little son who has brought me a lot of joy and inspiration. I can hardly wait to share the music that was created thanks to him
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