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Ponovo u svom tradicionalnom, oktobarskom terminu 55. Beogradske muzičke svečanosti predstavljaju zvezde klasične i savremene umetničke muzike, iz zemlje i inostranstva, od 8. do 22. oktobra. Festival otvara gala koncert posvećen stotoj godišnjici rođenja slavne operske dive Marije Kalas, u saradnji sa Narodnim pozo- rištem u Beogradu. Među vrhuncima ovogodišnjeg BEMUS-a svakako su dva kon- certa slavnog violiniste Najdžela Kenedija, koji se nakon pet godina ponovo druži sa beogradskom publikom. Ovoga puta biće to program koji je u celosti posvećen muzici Johana Sebastijana Baha i to dve uzastopne večeri na „Kolarcu“. Omilje- ni ruski pijanista Boris Berezovski priređuje resital kojim će, između ostalog, obele- žiti i stotu godišnjicu rođenja Sergeja Rahmanjinova, dok priznati violinista Roman Simović nastupa kao solista sa Crnogorskim simfonijskim orkestrom na koncertu posvećenom muzici Dmitrija Šostakoviča... Returning to its traditional October slot, the 55 th Belgrade Music Festival, BEMUS, pre- sents local and foreign stars of classical and contemporary artistic music from 8 th to 22 nd October. The festival opens with a gala concert commemorating the centenary of the birth of famous opera diva Maria Callas, in collaboration with the National Theatre in Belgrade, and two concerts by famous violinist Nigel Kennedy, who is set to reunite with the Belgrade audience after a five-year break, will certainly be among the highlights of this year’s BEMUS. Kennedy’s concerts this time around, on two consecutive evenings at Kolarac Concert Hall, will be dedicated exclusively to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Popular Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky is preparing a recital with which he will, among other things, commemorate the 150 th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Rach- maninoff, while acclaimed violinist Roman Simović will give a solo performance along- side the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra for a concert dedicated to the music of Dmitri Shostakovich... BEMUS: I Kalas i Kenedi / BEMUS: both Callas and Kennedy festival / festival
HVOB dolazi 6. oktobra HVOB arriving on 6 th October SCENA / SCENE
Duo HVOB („Her Voice Over Boys“) nakon brojnih sjajnih kon- cerata širom planete, od Los Anđelesa do Bangalora, konač- no će 6. oktobra posetiti Beograd, u kolaboraciji Terminal fe- stivala i kluba „Drugstore“. Elektronski duo iz Beča čine Ana Miler i Pol Volner. Ona je vokal i klavijaturistkinja, a zajedno produciraju i sanjaju, dajući bendu i dušu i formu. After countless wonderful concerts performed all around the world – from Los Angeles to Bangalore - the duo HVOB (Her Voice Over Boys) will finally arrive in Belgrade on 6th October, in collaboration with the Terminal Music & Arts Festival and night- club Drugstore. This electronic duo from Vienna comprises Anna Müller and Paul Wallner, with Anna providing vocals and Paul on the keyboard, while they produce and dream together, providing the band with both soul and form.
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