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Remi Jungerman: Inspirisan estetikom Surinama / Remy Jungerman: inspired by the aesthetic of Suriname IZLOŽBA / EXHIBITION
The solo exhibition ‘Tracing the Line’ by artist Remy Jungerman (Suriname, 1959), deemed one of the most prominent con- temporary Dutch artists by Amsterdam’s Stedelijk Museum, runs until 18 th Novem- ber at Lower Dorćol’s DOTS Gallery. Jungerman is using this Belgrade exhi- bition to presents works that he’s creat- ed over the course of the past 16 years, works that encompass a variety of artis- tic media – from sculpture and wall/spa- tial installations, via collages, panels and screen printing, to video work. Howev- er, as he explains for Elevate, permeating through everything he does are the aes- thetics of his Surinamese ancestors... “The Maroons are a people that escaped slavery and settled in the rainforest of Suriname. My relatives are descended from the freedom fighter Broos. Back in the 1980s, when I attended an art school in Suriname, I was inspired by the aes- thetics of the Surinamese Maroons for the first time. And you can find that aes- thetic in the textiles, in the patchwork cloths that were worn as shoulder capes, with large geometric shapes. It was with the help of those patches that I created a large painting in Suriname in 1988. When I was already studying and living in Am- sterdam, I actually returned to the most important inspiration that I’d had in Suri- name.” How well acquainted with Belgrade are you and what thrills you the most about our capital? “I’ve still never been, but I know that Bel- grade’s a very old city and I’m quite curi- ous about what I will see. When I’m invited to exhibit in different countries, I simply go to that place and see what it brings me, happily absorbing the local culture. I think that’s the most important thing for me.” Do you have a favourite destina- tion? “I travel often and my favourite places are Amsterdam, New York and Paramaribo in Suriname.
Samostalna izložba „Linijom do isko- na“ umetnika Remija Jungermana (Su- rinam, 1959), koga muzej „Stedelejk“ u Amsterdamu svrstava među najista- knutije savremene holandske umet- nike, biće otvorena do 18. novembra u Galeriji DOTS na Donjem Dorćolu. Na beogradskoj izložbi Jungerman se predstavlja radovima nastalim tokom proteklih šesnaest godina, u delima koja obuhvataju raznorodne umetnič- ke medije – od skulpture, preko zidnih i prostornih instalacija, kolaža, panela i sito štampe, do video-rada. Ipak, ka- ko kaže za „Elevejt“, kroz sve se proži- ma estetika njegovih surinamskih pre- daka... – Maroni su ljudi koji su pobegli od rop- stva i naselili se u prašumi u Surinamu. Moja rodbina potiče od borca za slo- bodu Brosa. Osamdesetih godina, ka- da sam išao u umetničku školu u Su- rinamu, prvi put sam bio inspirisan estetikom surinamskih Marona. I tu estetiku možete pronaći u tekstilima, u zakrpama koje su nosili kao plaštove preko ramena, sa velikim geometrij- skim formama. Godine 1988. napravio sam veliku sliku u Surinamu pomoću
ovakvih zakrpa. Kada sam već studirao i živeo u Amsterdamu, zapravo sam se vratio najvažnijoj inspiraciji koju sam imao u Surinamu. Koliko ste upoznati sa Beogra- dom i šta vas najviše raduje u vezi sa našim glavnim gradom? – Nisam još nikad bio, ali znam da je Beograd veoma stari grad i vrlo sam radoznao da vidim svašta. Kada me pozovu da izlažem u različitim zemlja- ma, samo odem na to mesto i vidim šta mi donosi, radosno upijam lokal- nu kulturu. Mislim da je za mene to naj- važnija stvar. Imate li omiljene destinacije? – Često putujem, a moja omiljena me- sta su Amsterdam, Njujork i Paramari- bo u Surinamu.
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