Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
October 2023
Oktobar 2023.
Dear passengers,
Dragi putnici,
On 26 th October, 2023, we are commemorating 10 years since the Serbian national airline was rebranded as Air Serbia and received its new visual identity. Our entire efforts over the past decade have been focused on impro- ving our services, developing the fleet and expanding the network. Air Serbia today flies to more than 80 scheduled and charter destinations across Europe, the Mediterrane- an, North America, Asia and Africa, while our fleet consists of wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft and narrow-body Airbus A320 family, as well as turboprop ATR 72-600 air- craft for regional flights. Every day at Air Serbia is special, but only some become part of history. One such day came on 23 rd June 2016, when we re-established direct flights between Belgrade and New York after a 25-year hiatus, thus becoming the only airline in the wider Balkan region to offer a direct service to the U.S. We opened another new business chapter in our ope- rations on 9 th December 2022, with the launch of direct fli- ghts between Belgrade and Tianjin, in the People's Republic of China. Air Serbia was then one of only a few European air- lines providing direct flights to this Asian giant. We fly to Tia- njin today, while we plan to launch services to other impor- tant Chinese cities in the near future. The Air Serbia service to Chicago, representing our third long-haul destination and the second destination in North America, was launched on 17 th May 2023, after a break of mo- re than 30 years. Since its inception, this service has proved successful and useful for passengers, and we are proud to ha- ve contributed significantly to improving business links, touri- sm, and all other connections between Serbia and the U.S.. The coronavirus pandemic hit the entire world and gro- unded air travel for a brief period. During that time, Air Ser- bia placed its resources at the disposal of the Serbian sta- te and people. Our aircraft transported hundreds of tons of much-needed medical equipment and material to Serbia, while we also worked in partnership with government bo- dies and organisations to conduct numerous special flights for over 10,000 people who’d been left stranded abroad by the pandemic. With over 1,400 employees, the youngest fleet in the region, a growing network of destinations and a clearly de- fined sustainable growth strategy, Air Serbia is entering its second decade of operations ready to adapt to any market changes, operate at a profit, and constantly improve its ser- vices in the interest of passengers. Cherishing your memories for 10 years! Thank you for your trust.
Dana 26. oktobra 2023. godine obeležavamo de- set godina kako srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija posluje pod imenom Er Srbija i sa novim vizuelnim identitetom. U protekloj deceniji sve naše snage bile su usmerene na unapređenje usluge, razvoj flote i širenje mreže. Er Srbi- ja danas leti do više od 80 redovnih i čarter-destinacija u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi, Aziji i Africi, a našu flotu čine širokotrupni avioni tipa „erbas A330- 200“, uskotrupni avioni iz porodice „erbas A320“ i tur- boelisni avioni ATR 72-600 za regionalne letove. U Er Srbiji svaki dan je poseban, ali u istoriju su ušli sa- mo neki dani. Jedan od njih bio je i 23. jun 2016. godine, kada smo posle pauze od četvrt veka ponovo usposta- vili direktne letove između Beograda i Njujorka, i tako po- stali jedina avio-kompanija u širem regionu Balkana ko- ja ima direktne letove do Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Novo poglavlje u našem poslovanju otvorili smo 9. de- cembra 2022. godine uvođenjem direktnih letova između Beograda i Tjenđina u Narodnoj Republici Kini. U tom trenut- ku Er Srbija je bila jedna od samo nekoliko avio-kompanija u Evropi koje su imale direktne letove do te azijske zemlje. Danas letimo u Tjenđin, a u skorijoj budućnosti planiramo da uspostavimo letove i do drugih važnih kineskih gradova. Linija do Čikaga, naše treće prekookeanske destina- cije i druge u Severnoj Americi, uspostavljena je 17. ma- ja 2023. godine, posle više od 30 godina pauze. Od sa- mog početka ta ruta pokazala se uspešnom i korisnom putnicima, i ponosni smo što značajno doprinosi boljim poslovnim, turističkim i svim drugim vezama između Sr- bije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Pandemija korona virusa uticala je na ceo svet i na- kratko zaustavila putnički avio-saobraćaj. U tom trenutku Er Srbija je sve svoje resurse stavila na raspolaganje drža- vi i narodu Srbije. Našim avionima u zemlju je dopremlje- no više stotina tona prekopotrebne medicinske opreme i materijala, a u saradnji sa državnim organima i organi- zacijama realizovali smo i brojne specijalne letove za vi- še od 10.000 ljudi koje je pandemija zatekla van matič- nih zemalja. Sa preko 1.400 zaposlenih, najmlađom flotom u re- gionu, rastućom mrežom destinacija i jasno definisanom strategijom održivog razvoja, Er Srbija otvara novu dece- niju poslovanja, spremna da se prilagodi svakoj promeni na tržištu, da posluje profitabilno i konstantno unapređu- je uslugu u interesu putnika. Deset godina čuvamo vaše uspomene! Hvala na poverenju.
Jirži Marek Jiri Marek Generalni direktor Er Srbija / Air Serbia CEO
Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija
JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5
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