Moda / Fashion
Both classic and punk How does the glamour of the future look? The (un)expected return of the original supermodels has propelled us into fashion’s autumn season, which will – all things considered – be marked by a new take on sophistication L inda, Naomi, Christy, Cindy... these unrivalled glamazons are so famous that everyone knows who they are even without sur- names. These models, who redefined both the fashion industry and can- ons of beauty, reunited for the cov- er shot of the September issue of the fashion bible that is the U.S. edition of Vogue magazine. Precisely 33 years after they were first brought togeth- er by the legendary Peter Lindbergh for a photo shoot for the same mag- azine (though back then it was for British Vogue and the famous pho- to also included Tatjana Patitz, who passed away early this year), the four of them conquered the internet. Only the mighty Anna Wintour (though, admittedly, also her British editor counterpart, and first and fore- most her protégé and longtime as- sociate, Edward Enninful) could so easily manage to bring them back to- gether almost in their original com- position for the cover of this year’s September issue. Shooting for what is objectively the most important life- style magazine edition of the entire year (and why not also note that it is undeniably the most relevant ba- rometer of the state of the multimil- lion-dollar fashion industry?) intro- duced us to the docuseries The Super Models, which premiered on Apple TV+ on 20 th September. Conceived in four parts, this series attempts to solve the enigma of what makes a su-
fliksova hit serija ostavila utisak i uti- caj na niz slavnih kreatora. Kame- lije koje svoje prelepe cvetove daju u jesen, zimu i rano proleće bile su, bukvalno i preneseno, polazna tač- ka „Šanelove“ kolekcije koju potpi- suje aktuelna kreativna direktorka kuće Viržini Vijar. Epitet „vanvremensko“ pred- stavlja pravu modnu poštapalicu sezonama unazad; još otkad smo prvi put shvatili da su nam orma- ri krcati i da smo umorni od toga da slepo pratimo trendove krat- kog daha. Ipak, činjenica je da ni- kad nije bilo bolje vreme za one prave odevne investicije koje će- te kupiti sad, a nositi i voleti zau- vek. Neka detalji govore jezikom stila: ove sezone to je ponovo vo- luminozni, dramatičan šal. Oni sa revije „Sent Loran“ podsećali su na tartan ćebad, dok su kod „Luja Vi- tona“ bili ukrašeni starinskim bro- ševima. Vežite ga sa puno pompe i možda ne morate ništa novo da pazarite, jer će takav mudro iza- bran akcenat napraviti svu razli- ku koju želite da vidite ove jeseni. Uz to, napravite inventar svoje modne zbirke. Verovatno ćete shva- titi da se negde krije baš ono slično svemu opisanom u ovim redovima. Kao što je slavno govorila Vestvu- dova: Kupujte manje, birajte bolje, sačuvajte da traje. Lajtmotiv jesenje mode je odmerena garderoba od najkvalitetnijih tkanina The central theme of this autumn’s fashion is everyday clothing in the highest quality fabrics
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