Moda / Fashion
Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin And after Pierre remains Pierre Cardin
The fact that I’ve succeeded a great creator is a pleasure, but also a responsibility. However, I watched my uncle work for the last 20 years, so I believe people will be able to say ’this is Pierre Cardin’ before they see the label A t the House of Pierre Cardin’s recent Bel- grade fashion show, which was designed by Rodrigo Basilica-
ti-Cardin, the nephew of the com- pany’s famous founder, we saw 60 designs from the new Mars Collec- tion that was first unveiled at the latest Paris Fashion Week. The Mars Collection remains faithful to French values in terms of elegance and boldness, though with a strong stamp of Cardin’s fu- turistic visual and avant-garde ap- proach to designs. Rodrigo has stuck to the same aesthetic path of futur- ism and sculptural forms that Pierre left us as his legacy. Pierre designed and created during the era of the conquest of space and the moon landings, while Rodrigo is doing so in an era during which ’sustainability’ has be- come the most important word in fashion, which is why this show represented a visual homage to Pierre’s legacy with an empha- sis on sustainable materials. The fashion line adheres to the ecological policy of the house – utilising the fin- est recycled materials, silk, faux leather and fur, cloth fabrics, geometry, accentu- ated details, geometric sil- houettes of clear lines from three-dimensional shapes with space and science fic- tion association. The col- our code encompasses everything from el-
Okrenuo sam se potrazi za recikliranim materijalima. Svaki takav materijal je blagodet za svet I turned to the search for recycled materials. Every material like that is a blessing to the world
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