N o month seems to shine with such he- donistic splendour as October – with the summer escape to the seaside behind us, the great metropolises are once again bus- tling with perfectly stylish locals, while chic nightlife venues resemble scenes from a fashion editorial. We have selected the most prominent gas- tronomic addresses of our favourite capitals of style, in order for you to enjoy the flavours and the atmos- phere – and, of course, people watching. In Berlin... Coccodrillo Did you know that Germany has the world’s largest Italian diaspora population after Argentina? It sounds unrealistic, and explaining it would require us delving deep into history – but we’d rather have something to eat. And not just anywhere, but rather at the heart of Mitte (and no, that's not a pleonasm), where hospitality group Big Mamma runs Coccodrilo. The restaurants included in Big Mamma’s portfolio always combine photogenic interiors and genuine Italian specialities – the group’s Parisian venue, Pink Mamma, is unavoidable on Insta- gram, as everyone takes pictures there! Expectedly, this restaurant has stuck to everything that has made the group recognisable in the culinary world, which means a fatal mix of extravagance and simplicity. The interior, with its dominant red colour, borders on pop fiction, with neon signs and photo prints giving everything a note of spectacle, which is additionally emphasised by ball chan- deliers and kitsch decorative figurines. In contrast, the menu offers the very essence of Italian cuisine: home- made pastas, pizzas, as well as an unparalleled combina- tion of burrata cheese, prosciutto and basil.
Č ini se da nijedan mesec ne sija takvim he- donističkim sjajem kao oktobar – nakon letnjeg bega na obale, metropole ponovo vrve od savršeno stilizovanih lokalaca, pa i šik mesta za izlazak deluju kao sce- na iz modnog editorijala. Izabrali smo najaktuelni- je gastro-adrese omiljenih nam prestonica stila, ka- ko biste vi uživali u ukusima, atmosferi – i, naravno, „people watchingu“...
U Berlinu... „Coccodrillo“ Da li ste znali da Nemačka ima najveću italijansku dijasporu posle Argentine? Zvuči nestvarno i da bismo objasnili, morali bismo da zađemo duboko u istoriju – a umesto toga bismo radije nešto da prezalogajimo. I to ne bilo gde, već u srcu Mitea (i ne, to nije pleona- zam), gde ugostiteljska grupacija „Big Mamma“ drži „Coccodrilo“. Restorani koji pripadaju „Big Mamma“ portfoliju uvek kombinuju fotogenične enterijere i is- tinske italijanske specijalitete – od njihove pariske adre- se „Pink Mamma“ na Instagramu ne može da se živi, svi se slikaju tamo! Očekivano, ovaj restoran ispratio je sve ono po čemu je grupacija postala prepoznatlji- va u gastro-svetu, a to je ubitačan miks esktravagan- cije i jednostavnosti. Enterijer u dominantnoj crvenoj boji je na granici pop fantastike, neonski znakovi i fo- to-printovi svemu daju notu spektakla dodatno nagla- šenu loptastim lusterima i kič dekorativnim figurama. Sa druge strane, jelovnik je sama esencija italijanske kuhinje – tu su „homemade“ paste, pice, kao i nepreva- ziđena kombinacija burate, pršute i bosiljka.
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