Smešten na krovu Arapskog instituta, restoran nadgleda krovove Grada svetlosti Located on the roof of the Institut du Monde Arabe, this restaurant offers views overlooking the rooftops of the City of Light
U Parizu... „Dar Mima“ Uvek postoji određeni skepticizam kad poznata fa- ca otvori restoran. Ne zato što se od njih ne očekuje da poznaju hranu i posao – štaviše, sasvim suprotno. Pretpostavlja se da su samo iskeširali celu stvar, na- lepili svoje ime na tablu i potom nastavili sa svojim životom. To apsolutno nije slučaj sa „Dar Mima“. Sa sasvim ličnom motivacijom, reditelj i glumac francu- sko-marokanskog porekla Žamel Dabuz kog će fano- vi Ameli Pulen prepoznati kao Lisjena iz ikoničnog fil- ma, kreirao je ovaj lokal kao uspomenu na svoju majku Fatimu. Jelovnik je baziran na njenim tajnim recepti- ma za tradicionalne specijalitete od kuskusa do salate, zbog čega ćete se osetiti kao da ste došli u njihovu ku- ću na večeru. A lokacija ne može biti savršenija. Sme- šten na krovu Arapskog instituta, nadgleda krovove grada svetlosti, dok je unutra sav u severnoafričkim detaljima. Nekoliko puta nedeljno prostor ispunjava živa muzika, a gosti mogu da, nakon večere, nastave uživanje na mirnoj terasi prekrivenoj jasminom, pal- mama i stablima limuna.
In Paris... Dar Mima There’s always a certain sense of scepticism when a fa- mous personality opens a restaurant. Not because they’re not expected to be familiar with food and the job – quite the contrary, in fact. It is presumed that they merely fi- nanced the whole thing, stuck their name “on the board” and then moved on with their lives. This is absolutely not the case with Dar Mima. With completely person- al motivation, French-Moroccan film director and actor Jamel Debbouze, who fans of the iconic film Amélie will recognise as the character of Lucien, created this eatery as a memorial to his mother, Fatima. The menu is based on her secret recipes for traditional specialities ranging from couscous to salads, which will leave you feeling like you’ve come to their family home for dinner. And the location couldn't be more perfect. Located on the roof of the Institut du Monde Arabe, the Arab World Insti- tute, it offers views overlooking the rooftops of the City of Light, while the interior is awash with North African details. The venue is filled with the sounds of live music several times a week, and after dinner guests can con- tinue enjoying themselves on the tranquil terrace that’s covered with jasmine, palms and lemon trees.
Reditelj i glumac Žamel Dabuz kreirao je ovaj lokal kao uspomenu na svoju majku Director and actor Jamel Debbouze created this eatery as a memorial to his mother
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